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So I was just having this discussion with a coaching friend of mine this week watching Mike Trout obstructed on a single to left by the third baseman about 5 steps in front of the bag. The coach didn't send him and I thought he missed the free base. I asked what happens if he's obstructed closer to second base. Sure enough, as seems to always happen, my question happened in my 50+ baseball league yesterday while I was coaching third. Batter rips a ball in the right center gap (this is 50+ league the outfielders are slow and the batter still runs pretty well). As he is rounding second the shortstop obstructs him and both the home plate and base ump give the obstruction sign. Third base is never in question - even after the obstruction. If he is not obstructed I would have definitely had him rounding the base at a minimum and reading. I see the sign go up and I'm telling the runner to go. In the middle of the play - the umps say out loud - no he gets third. Granted it's only a small chance I send him, but now no way. But I'm telling him to run and they were saying he only gets third. He didn't run - so I know I don't get home - but what's the right call if he does run? Like I say - third was never in question. Even after he touched third after a serious obstruction that made him completely stop, the ball was in the outfield beyond where the second baseman plays.
Was the ball there in time? Did he give access to at least some of the plate? What do you think in Fed and/or NCAA?
Stumbled across this video that was posted 11 years ago (YouTube is that old??).... My initial thought was that F1 is no longer protected after the ball hit him and bounced away by more than "a step and a reach", thus this would be obstruction on F1, so BR gets 1st. Thoughts?
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- protected fielder
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Tonight I had R2 going to third on a hit ball. R2 slides into 3rd.. As the 3rd base man fakes a tag. 3rd base did not have the ball. But in my opinion R2 was going to slide anyways because his coach was yelling down down down.. BUT Little League Definition of Obstruction is : “OBSTRUCTION is the act of a fielder who, while not in possession of the ball, impedes the progress of any runner. A fake tag is considered obstruction. (NOTE: Obstruction shall be called on a defensive player who blocks off a base, base line or home plate from a base runner while not in possession of the ball.)” SO should I have called it and gave him home plate?
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This is one rule I have always struggled with and it occurred again last night...... B1 hits the ball to the F6. F6 fields the ball and throws it to F3 in a manner that causes F3 to extend into the baseline and contact the runner (a) BEFORE F3 has possession of the ball, or (b) after the ball has already passed F3 (missed scoop, etc) or (c) F3 is attempting to run to the fence to retrieve the errant throw. In both (a) and (b) runner has stayed in his 45' lane and the contact has occurred in the 45' lane. In (c) both F3 and B1 are in the infield, past first base, runner turning toward second, F3 running toward foul territory. Now, I have always allowed contact that occurs if the ball arrives to the 1st baseman right (very close) to the time of the contact (collision last night) as he is "making a play on the ball". Could someone please cover (a), (b) and (c) above? Thanks again guys.
R3, outs don't matter (I think - in any case, there were 0 outs in this case). Batter hits a dribbler to the pitcher that starts to die in the long grass, but it's clearly the pitcher's ball. Catcher steps forward right behind runner, who wasn't too fast, and they're both running parallel. About 1/3 of the way up the line, a couple meters beyond the batters' box, the catcher takes a right turn to back up the throw to 1B and just runs over the b/r (not maliciously, just a big ole tangle). By this time, pitcher has the ball, I loudly yell "Obstruction", they throw to 1B, and we put the b/r on 1B. They didn't look back the runner, so R3 easily made it to home about the time they threw to 1B. So coach wanted R3 to return. I did pause a few seconds to think it through, but as I reasoned it out on the spot, since OBS is delayed dead ball, the runner is live and it was analogous to a fielder's choice, they could have tried on him but they didn't (understandably), they threw to 1B. But the B/R was awarded 1B on the obstruction so no out. And it wasn't 2 outs anyway so even if they got the out, R3 was scoring. Now, with the books packed somewhere, I'm slightly second-guessing. Was it right to score the run? Would it have mattered if there were 2 outs.
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Re:HS softball- I read NFHS to say that Obstruction (defense) can be either intentional or unintentional- it's still obstruction. However when reading about Interference (offense) they only refer to it being intentional. But I'm thinking if a baserunner collides with a fielder making the initial play on a batted ball because the runner misjudged, it would be both unintentional AND Interference, no? R1 is on 2B and batted ball is deflected by pitcher to right side of IF. Ball is played by F4 wh goes to F3 with it. At the same time, R1 sees the deflection and takes off for 3B and SS (who has no play or effect on the outcome of the play) and R1 collide, would it be Interference or Obstruction?
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- hs softball
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Since most of us are off the field for the foreseeable future, I thought it might worthwhile getting the insight of the masses on this "situation" that occurred this previous spring. This happened in a HS county final, which in NJ is a dig deal. I have spoken to some here about this already and have the input of a lot of others who are not. Those who are aware should resist the temptation to join in the fun of what ifs or coulda beens if at all possible. Here goes...... I am PU in a 3 man crew. Bottom 7, 1 out , R1 and R3, Fed rules. BR hits a seed to F5, about 6 inches off the ground. R3 is moving on contact. F5 tries to sell the catch of a short hop, but U3 clearly signals and verbalizes no catch, which F5 does not see or hear. F5 runs to 3B in what looks like a DP as R3 was about 20 feet off the base. As F5 touches 3B, VT pours out of the 1B dugout celebrating the apparent county championship. BR squats on the 1B line about 15 feet away from HP, thinking he has lined out to F5 and it is a game ending DP. R1 makes his way to 2B, but slows to a stop just before reaching the bag.VT forms a dogpile between pitchers mound and 1B in their haste to celebrate. F5 recognizes that U3 has called no catch and throws to 1B. R3 takes off for home and crosses the plate. HT coach (in the 3B coach's box) begins to windmill his arms and R1 touches 2B and heads for third. F3 catches the throw from F5 and steps on 1B as R1 begins to round 3B and head for home. BR never made a legitimate attempt to advance to 1B after he squatted on the line. F3 fights his way through the mass of humanity between the mound and 1B in an effort to beat R1 to HP. R1 is tagged out about 6 feet from HP. Now what????
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- I'll admit I didn't watch the full video in its entirety. But I believe this ended with R1 ending up on third base and the B/R at first. Thoughts?
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While reading the LL rule book, I try to come up with scenarios to confound them. It's LL the more you think it can't happen, the more likely it is to happen. First situation, B hits and heads for first hard. F3 has his foot on top of the base, covering most of it. BR would have been safe but jumps over/goes around the base to avoid an injury. Would you call obstruction? Is it obstruction? Second situation, 1 out runners at 1B and 2B. A hit to deep right, for a triple with R1 and R2 scoring. R1 missed touching 2B. DT appeals by touching 2B and calling that he's out. R1 is out and his run is removed. I'm thinking that nothing happens with R2 or BR because R2 was out before they passed him. Am I correct? Same situation but with 2 outs. R1 is out by force upon the appeal, therefore no runs are scored. Correct? Thanks. I guessing that regardless of the appeal the out occurs when it should have happened, not upon appeal.
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- obstruction
- missed base
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Talk amongst yourselves...
Do you agree with the umpire's call in this clip? I have no idea if the rule set they are using is FED, OBR, or something else though.
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- obstruction
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- Thoughts?
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(This was asked on Facebook, but the correct answers are always found here.) Any rule set. R2. Less than two outs. Outfield base hit. R2 is obstructed rounding 3B and the umpire judges R2 will be protected home. R2 is tagged out at the plate while the batter-runner is heading for 2B. Do you kill the play at the time of the apparent out (and award R2 home, and award BR wherever you think he would have achieved without the obstruction), or do you leave the play live and wait for a play at 2B? OBR 6.01(h)(2), "If no play is being made on the obstructed runner, the play shall proceed until no further action is possible." I interpret this to mean that if no play is being made on the obstructed runner AT THE TIME OF THE OBSTRUCTION, let everything play out.
This didn't precisely happen to me today, but it made me think of this hypothetical: R1, outs don't matter. Ground ball to F4. F3 is a doofus standing in the wrong spot and obstructs R1. F4 charges the ball, and reaches it about the same time as R1, who (gently, non-maliciously) bumps into him. What've we got? I had just the INT in a LL Majors game asked about the OBS, but I didn't see it as PU and my partner didn't call for anything either. So I said we didn't have that, coach said ok and we played on. But it got me thinking how to sort that out--my initial take is that the OBS doesn't absolve the runner of his responsibility to run the bases correctly, to include don't interfere with the fielder. But I'm curious. Arguably, if the obstruction was severe enough, he's past that point before he could interfere. But you could loop yourself in circles that way--is there an established precedence?
Here's a ruling that was sent to me recently by an authoritative source (no names mentioned to protect...well, probably me). Thoughts?
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this one isn't so 'typical' .....strange play ......but OBS just the same .... Your browser does not support iframes.
Play from last night with Type B obstruction. Aybar was kept at second base, but I think he should have been awarded third. He was rounding hard and the throw went home, so I think he ends up at third without the obstruction. Thoughts?
OBR Rule Set R2, 2 out. BR hits safely to gap in Right Center. R2 is obstructed by F5 as he rounds third base (contact which causes him to slow down). Outfielder fires ball into 2B and BR is thrown out there for 3rd Out. R2 crosses plate just after BR is tagged out. Umpire judges R2 would have scored before the BR was thrown out and awards the run. The 3rd out stands as BR was not placed in jeopardy by the obstruction of R2. Does this make sense? And if so, what rule would you use to justify this action? (BTW-This started as a softball question. If anybody knows the softball rule for ASA, please feel free to include that as well.)
- Your browser does not support iframes. so they must have ruled that there was no obstruction? Because it looked like it would have been Type A obstruction because there was a play being made on him. Thoughts?
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I'm new here and am seeking help in a potential safety risk that came up this weekend in my son's t-ball preseason tourney. The team that we played, and beat, for the championship produced a very odd situation that I've never seen in baseball. The the opposing team had a very fast, quick, big and aggressive kid playing pitcher. F1. F1 was a one man show that was chasing down almost every hit and making play after play. I've never seen a child this fast and aggressive. F1 had no problem chasing down runners for outs and would slide into the bag on force outs instead of making the tag on runners resulting in several collisions that could have been avoided. As well as 2 situations where f1 did not get to the force out in time but still slid into the occupied base, taking out the runner that he was just behind. Bang bang plays. I had my fill and asked the ump to get control of the situation because f1 had hurt a few of the runners making these plays, and the response was that he was making a legal play. Is is this correct? If not, what rules are being missed? I dont want to hinder a kid because of his God given ability but I also don't want injuries to occur from what i view as excessive contact. I apologize for the length of my post but wanted to capture the scenarios and am concerned not only about the safety of our kids but f1s as well. Thank you in advance.
I had an OBS situation tonight and was curious what everyone thought. High school varsity, FED rule set. I'm the PU. Runner on 2nd. Batter hits a base hit just over a leaping third baseman but directly to the left fielder who fields it cleanly. 3B obstructs the runner about 10 feet before third base. The runner ends up rounding third and getting thrown out easily at home. We decide to protect the runner only to third and uphold the out at the plate since the runner went home on his own accord. Offensive coach disagrees and wants his runner to be allowed back to third base. We stick with our call after lengthy discussion and a warning to the assistant coach. After replaying it in my mind over and over, there was no doubt that the runner was obstructed by the defender. The golden question is did we make the right call by only protecting the runner to third and upholding the out at the plate? Any feedback is appreciated.