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stevis last won the day on January 12 2017

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  • Location
    Arlington, VA

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  • Your Association Name
    Arlington Little League
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  • Types/Levels of Baseball called
    Little League
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  1. It is. The notion of a tie requires "simultaneity in time." Special Relativity teaches us that such a concept requires a shared inertial reference frame. The fielder and runner (or batter-runner) are moving a different velocities, quite possibly both distinct from the umpire's, and thus simultaneity is impossible. That's Dr. Blue (Physics, University of Chicago) to you, coach.
  2. I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.
  3. Diagram from the same manual:
  4. Three times in almost 20, twice on the same kid last year in fall ball doing exactly that. The other time, the kid put his toe about the point of the plate--foot pointing at the pitcher. Couldn't miss it. This is the pic I use in training to point out why you're not calling this until it's an elephant call:
  5. Among Little League umpires, this is colloquially known as "getting the janitor's decision."
  6. When you don't call the rules, swallow the whistle, whatever...you let the rulebreakers decide the game.
  7. stevis

    Sanity Check

    What your partner was doing is the 60'/closed base mechanic in LL baseball as well. (70/90 they do as everyone else has said.) So yes, I suspect that's softball bleeding in. Pregame, pregame, pregame.
  8. I tell the teenagers I train for Little League--your first game will come at you quickly. It'll seem like it's so much. But your second, and your fifth, games will go even better. Your fifteenth will go even better than that. (At some point they're not going to go better unless you keep putting the work in, but I digress.) As others have said, you'll be raw because you are raw. Nothing wrong with that! You got this brother. If 13 year olds I struggle to keep on task can go out, not get hurt, and do a decent job for the level, I'm sure an airline pilot can. Do you have a pump-up jam? I first saw Hamilton right before my first state tournament; ever since I've adopted "My Shot" as my get-ready music. Gets me in the "I belong here, and I'm about to show it" head space. Find some little pump-up and or comfort ritual that works for you. And report back! We're pulling for you.
  9. My least favorite instantiation of this is LL All-Stars, and ace pitchers messing around with the #8-10 hitters. Save that curve, and those pitches, to upset the timing of the top five hitters who can take you deep! This kid has just shown he can't catch your heat. [Mortal Kombat Voice]Finish him![/Mortal Kombat Voice]
  10. I used to play "modified fast-pitch" that worked like his, where you couldn't take the full windup. It was a base/work league, nobody taking anything too seriously but decades before somebody must have decided they weren't going full beer league slow pitch and it stuck. Never climbed a fence but I did get my pant leg caught in one chasing down an errant throw.
  11. If the penalty is a fine, it means it's only illegal for poor people.
  12. Whiskey Tangos? (As in, Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot...)
  13. Weather Underground for general, My Lightning Tracker for thunderstorm monitoring
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