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About grayhawk

  • Birthday 08/27/1966

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  • Location
    Oceanside, CA

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    Owner of Oasis Senior Advisors of Coastal OC
  • Types/Levels of Baseball called
    NCAA Division 2, 3, NAIA, JUCO
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Community Answers

  1. MUCH better mechanic.
  2. I can't think of a single instance where unsportsmanlike conduct results in an out. It's only ever either a warning and/or and ejection.
  3. Since this play isn't otherwise covered in the rules, seems to me like an 8.01(c) situation. I think we give the offense 2 options. We can: 1. Eject R2 for cheating 2. Put R2 back on second I suspect they would choose option 2.
  4. No balk but it gets even worse. Even if R1 doesn't actually attempt to steal, but does a hard fake and then returns, it's STILL not a balk because the pitcher's action can be interpreted as "driving back a runner." 6-2-4b
  5. I think Force 3 did this to some extent with the addition of Kevlar, giving the impression that they produced a much lower profile CP with superior energy dissipation. The problem was that the actual results on the field didn't prove that out, and users started moving towards other products. I still feel the All Star System 7 is the most protective CP ever developed for the mass market, though it's quite bulky. It's advantages were purely on design and not on technology. I think we're going to have to wait for the "MadMax" to be introduced for a true game changing CP that shows a clear advantage over the competition.
  6. @MadMax, describe your perfect CP.
  7. First, I would advise against thinking about "deception," and focus on whether or not the pitcher is violating a rule. There may be a couple of things happening here: Was he taking his signs from the catcher while off the rubber? If so, this is a great opportunity to correct this behavior to let him know he needs to be on the rubber to take the signs. This is not a balk, it's a "don't do that." If he is fully simulating his stretch off the rubber, then I would go ahead and balk it. He is not required to go through the "stretch" motions, but if he does so, he must be on the rubber and start with his pitching hand to his side or behind him. If he's just oblivious and stepping on the rubber with his hands together in front of his body, I'm not letting him do that. I wouldn't balk it, but again let him know that his hands must be separated before engaging the rubber.
  8. To quote Mike Tyson, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." I hope they're good, but report back after you take a shot. 🎯
  9. I mentioned it to a coach who is getting a visible clock installed for the coming season and it literally never occurred to him.
  10. Sounds like if they quit it might be addition by subtraction. Yeah, that's a no brainer EJ. Love the restrictions the NCAA has put on coaches coming out to "discuss" a call.
  11. Or the old Robin Williams "New York echo": Helooooooo! Shut the F*#K up!
  12. I'm similar in that as long as the profanity isn't directed AT me, and "You gotta be f---ing kidding!" is not directed AT me, then I don't really care. I was the instructional chair for my HS unit a few years ago, and we had far too many ejections for simple profanity, so the next season I showed the rule that says a participant MAY be ejected for using profanity (not SHALL) and our ejections went down that year. I don't do HS anymore but I think I heard that profanity was a POE recently, so I suspect ejections went back up.
  13. Dropping price to $65 shipped.
  14. Might have worn them for 1 game. Perfect condition. $30 + shipping.
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