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scrounge last won the day on April 4 2021

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  • Birthday 01/01/1969

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  1. scrounge


    Not weird stat: Yankees pitchers have accounted for 4 of the 24 perfect games in MLB history. Weird stat: All 4 Yankees pitchers who have a perfect game have a first name starting with the letter "D"
  2. I played "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" at my wedding reception. I don't think anyone got the joke.
  3. "I don't know coach, it's my first game - let's find out together!" Ok, maybe not that - but it would be tempting :). Like beerguy55 said, just say a standard book zone. Like you mentioned, it's a dumb question. They'll figure it out soon enough.
  4. Saw it called - and fully agreed - in a game this weekend when I was BU. Like this one, the batter 'swung' after the catcher already caught the ball and was on his way up to throw. By rule, once the catcher secures the ball, the pitch is over - can't very well strike at a pitch that's already over. No prob nailing this as BI if it even remotely impacts the play.
  5. That one really isn't an NFHS thing (at least not yet, not in baseball)....but many states have made it a state adoption. From what I gather, these include MI, NC, PA, NJ, NY, NV, but I'm sure there are others.
  6. School game, yea the phone is in the car. But summer/travel ball game? The phone is ALWAYS on me....for timing and....other purposes.
  7. Now you're just backtracking, you very clearly said you would ignore thunder.
  8. I wouldn't change a thing on how you handled it
  9. Yes, someone is arguing that.....if you can hear it, it's cracking around you, even if it's still in the clouds and you can't see the strike.
  10. What exactly do you think caused the thunder? It's not God bowling.
  11. Occasionally we get teams from Canada in some of our bigger summer tournaments, they very commonly use the term "Umpy".....I actually kinda like it.
  12. Who's "everyone"? I don't think i've ever seen this in person with a partner or anyone else at the HS level or below. I don't think this is really all that common anymore, even at the higher levels.
  13. A beard or long hair are as intrinsically part of the person as their arm, it absolutely counts for tags and hit by pitches.
  14. My mistake, thank you. I do virtually no OBR games, so I confused the two provisions.
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