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blue23ll last won the day on February 25 2019

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About blue23ll

  • Birthday June 6

Profile Information

  • Location
    Monroe, WA

More information about you

  • Your Association Name
    Snohomish County Baseball Umpires Association
  • Occupation
    Project Manager
  • Types/Levels of Baseball called
    High School
  • How did you hear about Umpire-Empire?
    ABUA (umpire.org)

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Community Answers

  1. Welcome to the blue family!
  2. So, a slide straight into the base is ok, as long as the runner doesn't make contact? Contact does not have to be made for interference to be called? Runner can slide to the side of the base, as long as the fielder is on the opposite side?
  3. Is that your way of saying you are walking toward the parking lot?
  4. So, Home team wins 10 - 0, game goes 4 1/2 innings. Visiting team had to drive 2 hours to the game and asks if they can continue playing. What do you do?
  5. In my experience, you need to stop mis-conduct like this immediately. If you don't it will escalate and you will lose control of the game. Coaches yelling at each other, unchecked will soon lead to the fans getting involved, at that point, the game is done. Something as minor as a hard tag on a pick off at 1st can spiral out of control if it isn't dealt with. Ask me how I know....
  6. Are the links of the same move, just different views? Link #3 is clearly a balk.
  7. Tell us what you REALLY feel!!
  8. Wasn't those the ones that would melt if you left it on your dashboard?
  9. It's early still, just roll with it!! Don't let any single game derail you. Think of the season in it's totality. If you want better games, tell your assignor. Ask to work with the 'big dogs' in your association.
  10. Hey they are wearing pants, be thankful for little things
  11. What took you so long to dump somebody?
  12. Send one monkee home and they will figure it out!
  13. blue23ll

    Base running

    Actually had this happen in a game. Kid ran off the field and all the way home. His Dad brought him back to ask me why I sent him home...
  14. Apparently you can't call the upper zone if you are calling the low strike? I must have missed that memo. And why do the managers always come out after an ejection? They aren't discussing a substitution.
  15. blue23ll


    I have found that by calling the location of close pitches, the 'where was that' chirping virtually stops
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