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wolfe_man last won the day on August 9 2024

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About wolfe_man

  • Birthday October 12

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    OHSAA - Central District

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    High School, American Legion, Babe Ruth, Prep Baseball Report (PBR), and Travel 15U-18U
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  1. I have congenital spinal stenosis. I have already had one spine surgery to repair my neck in December and now have bone grafts & screws in there. Next up is my lower back in the near future. Thanks for the well wishes. God has been helping me heal inwardly and outwardly. I appreciate all of you.
  2. I have been forced to medically retire from umpiring. I have already sold off most of my gear, but found more stuff as I was cleaning out my closet. The individual prices do not include shipping. 1. 2024 baseball umpires CCA manual - $10 2. All-Star catalyst neck cryoscarf, color is black - $20 3. KOOLBLUES Umpire chest protector assist with four ice packs - $20 $45 shipped for all if you’re interested. All items are new, unworn. IMG_8835.heic IMG_8834.heic
  3. Yes, they’re of some value but not like a Riddell Power. I’d guess $250+ range, but ultimately depends on what a buyer will pay. The matching shins are a plus also.
  4. I am a bit biased and really like the GDS CP (DX Enduro). I wore a version of this most of the last year for Varsity baseball without any complaints. Low profile and much less money for a great product. The addition of the D3O and G-hook only makes it that much better!
  5. Platinum on eBay. No bicep pads, but nice TW chest pad!
  6. TMIB, you'll know when it's time. For me, it was the atmosphere of course and I'd been having some lower back and sciatica issues. Several factors played into my decision with some being more important than others of course. In August, I tweaked my back unloading my pickup. The item wasn't overly heavy, but I just lifted it wrong. Since then, I've had three MRIs and found out that I have severe congenital stenosis (who knew?) which is going to require two separate surgeries (1. neck and 2. back) with fusion to fix. I said all that to say this, listen to your body and to your heart. The doctor told me if I were to be in a car accident or simply just fall wrong and bang my head, then I could do irreparable damage to my spinal nerve and neck. As umpires it's not that hard to imagine what a low-90s fastball to the neck or mask might do to someone in this condition. Evidently instincts are very good to listen to occasionally. I do not want to hijack this thread and make it about me, so I will ask that any well wishes be sent through IM please so we stay on topic here. And for the record, congratulations to you and your son! He sounds like a great, young man with his head on straight and God knows that we can use more like him out there. You should be proud Dad.
  7. That is the million dollar question! It's only money, right? 😁 TBH, I would have come out with a new name after all the issues they had in the past, but, he's proud of his name and it's history so I can understand why he kept the +POS branding.
  8. Just got an email, so went to their site out of curiosity. They're doing same day shipping now it says.
  9. Without knowing these critical details, this test is worthless. And laying a pad on a hard surface alone will make it increasingly more likely that it offers less rebound/resistance than a human body would, so not an apples-to-apples test for comparison's sake.
  10. He got a concussion from the Nike pads and mask and switched to this frame with TW pads after it. It stood out to me too when he first did it as I hadn't seen a player with them on until then either.
  11. Another suggestion? Use the All Star delta flex harness in all black. Best harness for skull caps out there in my opinion! If you insist on using another harness though, I have had success with putting a small square of black Velcro (pointy side) on the middle, back of my skull cap. When I put the harness on, it grabs and holds it in place. It will hold it steady through everything and will still allow you to pull it loose when you remove your mask.
  12. @Thunderheads lock it up please. I think a guy is taking most of what's left and I'll just toss anything left. Thanks
  13. I live in this area and reached out a while back. I never heard anything back.
  14. Anyone interested in what's left?
  15. Looks like missing shoulders, gap plates and sides. I do have the wing plates.
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