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Everything posted by Richvee

  1. Been there more than I care to admit 😎
  2. I agree with @noumpere's thinking on this. And of course, this doesn't help us with the NCAA interp
  3. Nice. Since I started doing college in 2018, I never even knew about that interp, and somehow missed it in the new book. Thanks.
  4. But the answer “this is coach assist the runner is called out” is a wrong answer. which leads to the question, is this answer wrong because the ball is dead, or because the call on the field was changed? I think it’s because the runner was called out and then changed. But it still leave the question that this “wrong answer” brings up as a side note. Can there be coach assist during a dead ball?
  5. Exactly. Every pitch, maybe even twice between pitches until the scoreboard operator figures it out, or turns it off. I will not hold up the game waiting for it to be corrected, and I’ll do all I can to make sure everyone within earshot can hear me. I’ll also tell the batter and catcher “score board is wrong, it’s 2-2.”
  6. And they must re enter in the same spot in the batting order as the player that was out for concussion protocol.
  7. I used 5-5g to answer the second part. #10 entered the game, and was then legally removed.
  8. It’s a great jacket. It’s our college group’s go to jacket👍
  9. I’m going to disagree here. This should be treated exactly like batting out of order. Give info when asked. Otherwise, stay silent and impartial. That said, if you have two teams, two coaches, and umpires looking at each other all saying things like “that’s 2 outs, no, that’s 3..”…. Yeah, it may be time to interject . But if there’s two outs and teams are changing sides and no one on the field or dugouts are questioning it, you probably should stay silent. This drives home my point. You are supposed to be impartial and not have a rooting interest. You certainly are not under any obligation to bring these facts to the umpire’s attention, and more precisely, I would say you shouldn’t unless asked. Picking and choosing when to bring up such details only when they give “your team” the advantage is improper for an official scorer. A good umpire will signal these things. There should be no need to ask. On a time play, the umpire should either point at the plate and verbalize to indicate the run scores, or wave his hands above his head and verbally indicate no run scores. If no sign is given, it would be appropriate to ask. Swinging strikes or called strikes, HBP or ball four should also be signaled. A swinging strike would just be an arm motion from the umpire. (Point or hammer). A called strike should include a verbal “strike” call. A HBP would be followed by a time out call, as a HBP kills the play. Ball four would not. If you’re unclear, neither is a big deal from your perspective. Don’t hold up the game asking the umpire questions on such things. “Good afternoon Sir(Ma’am). My name is _____ ,I’ll be the official scorer today. I’ll be sitting in that chair located……” If the umpire responds by giving you their name, use it. Otherwise - Blue, Sir, .. all fair game. From that point, a good umpire will come to you or signal you with substitutions, and approach you if they need your assistance on any other matter.
  10. Putting it after 11-HBP situations sure doesn't help.
  11. A call of no catch on the infield can be changed to catch if there are two outs. Appendix E 1-c11 note 1 (don’t ask me why it’s after 11 “hit by pitch situations” and not after 10.
  12. Plus, rule 9-2e actually says “The pitcher or defensive player shall not…..” yet the penalty only says pitcher and HC🤷‍♂️
  13. Out of the park home run, rounding 3b, runner misses the bag, 3B coach is a few feet down the line towards home to high five him, sees the miss, and pushes the runner back to third. Would this not be coach assistance?
  14. As for the catcher interference question, it was either in the clinic, or a recent rules interpretation video where they quickly show a little diagram with a line at the point of the plate parallel to the front of the plate. I remember thinking that little diagram should have been put in the rulebook.
  15. That's usually the way our college group works too. There will be a year transition where the old style or new will both be acceptable. It wouldn't surprise me if it was this year. If not, I 100% expect it to be next year
  16. Everyone I work for is black/ grey, blue/black. (Except for high school who is hopelessly behind …and special order logoed anyway) ). I’m happy I have enough shirts to get though this coming season. I can see a switch to the new MLB look, especially in college within a year or two.
  17. Yeah, he’s “interactive” alright 🙄
  18. "....umpires calling balls and strikes in a traditional manner, but with calls subject to challenges by the batting team" It's so frustrating when "reporters" can't get facts right.
  19. Not around here. You can probably wear grey corduroy and no one would say anything…… as long as you have the right logo on your hat, and correct stripes on the shoulders of your jacket. 😁
  20. Thinking about a two man college game, this can indeed turn awkward…… It’s only you on the infield (yes, your plate guy can grab FPSR, but for the sake of argument let’s say he doesn’t). Out at 2B, you see a clear illegal slide, (or no slide)….. I’m supposed to turn to 1b, make a call on the BR, (let’s assume he’s safe by a good margin), then call time, then go back and call FPSR and the BR out. When OHC comes out and say “why did you call him safe first? My answer is “So I do it right when I have a game with replay”? That’s weak. It works in 3 man, because you have two umpires with distinct responsibilities and everyone knows the interference will overrule the safe call at 1b. “Out/Safe/Time, no, that was FPSR/ BR you’re out”. …… All by one umpire?🤔
  21. I was at a 3 man clinic in October and they made us drill this new mechanic. The question came up about non replay games, and the answer was "Do it so it becomes second nature if and when you ever work a replay game." It's not a very long pause, and it does give you another beat or two to process what you just saw.
  22. Dirt fields shouldn’t be a reason not to change this. Just like FED words the balk rule to say “ take a position within approximately 5 feet of the pitching rubber without the ball” because all fields do not have a dirt mound. The same should be done for an uncaught 3rd K. Something like “the batter is out once he is approximately 10 feet from home plate and hasn’t attempted to advance. “
  23. Point taken... But when this happens, the extraordinary becomes ordinary and loses it's luster. The Trout/Ohtani matchup in the WBC was unforgettable because it doesn't happen every night. Freddy Freeman doesn't hit a game winning grand slam because because Ohtani gets another chance. Ozzie Smith doesn't hit a series winning HR because he doesn't get to bat. But I get it. The video game generation doesn't want to wait all year for a magical moment...They want to recreate one every night.
  24. At publishing time, MLB sources confirmed that officials were also considering allowing each team to have a sniper shoot an opposing player with a tranquilizer dart during their at-bat.
  25. For reference FED, LL - dead ball territory NCAA, OBR - Dirt circle
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