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  1. MiLB AAA - fast runners, slower umpires. That’s where the mechanic came from.
  2. The TOP base was 2B. I think the ball came in to a middle infielder. I don't remember if he touched 2B or it was touched during the dead ball but if 2B was touched when the ball came in we have an appeal for an out.
  3. You need to continue looking until you know there will be no OBS possibility. Also if you read a single a pivot puts you in better position for a throwback. That pivot can be more relaxed. Otherwise AAA is the way to go.
  4. It would not be a surprise to hear “foul ball” or “dead ball” or “time out”. It might be normal in some venues. I have heard the latter 2, one in the CWS and one in MLB. Nobody was surprised. In a DH I call “foul”, second game my partner calls “foul ball”. Non event. Guys that were brought up hearing “foulball” don’t seem to be able to change it and it doesn’t matter.
  5. Didn't the defense actually throw to 2B. R2 should have been out for failing to retouch his base?
  6. So was the coach ejected? We had a HS umpire eject a coach after a steal of home while the batter swung. He came from a PONY league that had a rule to eject the coach if his batter swung during a steal of home.
  7. OP needs to specify outs as you say. Also needs to specify where F1 was in his delivery when runner crossed the plate. How runner "crossed" the plate, let catcher receive the pitch, and allowed Batter to swing at the pitch is left up to our imagination.
  8. We can stretch the enforcement with "motion naturally associated". But I agree it is a stretch. But I use it at the levels where idiots do that.
  9. Need more info as to “coming set”. That is usually not associated with his pitching motion to deliver but if he comes set while astride the rubber to deceive a runner we stretch that cite to balk it. Otherwise we tell the pitcher not to take the rubber in the set with his hands together. “Don’t do that”.
  10. I get 2 or 3 ball 4 wear it occurrences every year. Me and the catcher have a chuckle.
  11. That's my problem. Grew up using the "New York alphabet"
  12. I agree with @Coach Carl. A D3K is not a dead ball/foul and runners don't have to return. R1 became R2 prior to TOP so 1B was unoccupied.
  13. So it was not an actual occurrence of a batter interfering, it was an actual occurrence of an umpire kicking a rule. Did they get the enforcement correct?
  14. Is this debate engendered by an actual occurrence? I can’t envision a normal batter’s stance hindering a catcher’s tag attempt of a stealing R3.
  15. When he released the throw he had a clear lane. Machado’s choice of path took him into the throw.
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