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  1. I would venture it would be the exact opposite. The most noise I have ever heard on a ballfield was during a "train wreck" at the plate that did not include an EJ. I challenge anyone to come up with a situation that inclides more yelling from fans and teams than this. The famous, "Let em play" when you have to remove a player from the game. That phrase just straight pisses me off haha. My Dad started officiating football this year to get a little break from the fall ball blues and he said coaches throw that phrase around more in the fist quarter than he had heard in his entire life.
    2 points
  2. I respectfully disagree with the term "dropped" third strike. Uncaught is the more accurate term, plus some DA coach will be happy to tell you that his catcher "never dropped the ball. He caught it cleanly on the bounce".
    2 points
  3. And for the same reasons I say "catch" when the pitch is caught near the dirt (catch/no catch not obvious). It lets B/F2 both know the status of B without them having to guess at my call or look for my non-verbal mechanic.
    1 point
  4. I've met maineump. I've met MRS. maineump. She's right, you're odd. Now.......about the OP....... SWMBO gets to the point where she'll holler down the hall asking if my mail should be forwarded. So obviously I have at least one rulebook,
    1 point
  5. Gotta love a company whose shirt sizing makes you feel more svelte-ish-y.
    1 point
  6. Watch it!! I provided info and pics when I could ..... :-D Jeff - via Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. I respectfully disagree with "play on" Say "no catch"
    1 point
  8. So, use no catch vice play it? Play it could be considered coaching the players which is protestable. No catch is proper umpire terminology.
    1 point
  9. Kyle, besides the obvious protection you get from the kevlar in the shin guards? I said it before and here it is again. THE WOW FACTOR!!!!!! Who is going to buy boring looking products? If there was no hard shiny plastic on the outside nobody would buy them. I don't care if my gear is bright pink with glitter on it or if it's just a hunk of gray plastic, if it protects me, and protects me well, I will wear it.
    1 point
  10. The fact of the matter is that OSU is not in the championship and Auburn is. OSU had their chance to go to the championship and lost it and that's that. Should've, would've, could've. Go win the Orange Bowl and move on to next year where you will have another shot.
    1 point
  11. I vote that FED changes this mechanic to a "two thumbs" mechanic. As in, "who has two thumbs and just interfered with F2's throw? This guy..."
    1 point
  12. That question does not absolve the umpire of keeping an eye out for the safety of a player. It simply makes it so that the player can be looked at by a trained professional at the field. It does not carry the same weight as one like "is your team properly and legally equiped" which puts the onus on the HC for player equipment and such.
    1 point
  13. Looks like we have an irresponsible seller in the membership.
    1 point
  14. I am going to TUS this January and I just wanted to say hell to all the other students that will be attending. This is my second go at pro school I went a couple years ago and had the time of my life. I'm sure this time won't be any different. If anyone has any questions about pro school I will be happy to answer them for you. I can't wait to meet everyone next month!
    1 point
  15. Did the purchaser pay for it? Did you ship it? Did the purchaser receive it?
    1 point
  16. Glavin's going to the Hall of Fame for getting that called a strike for 22 years. Not saying I think it's a strike nor do I think he's a HOF'er, but these are the facts. Mussina a much better pitcher IMO.
    1 point
  17. Chad Krueter almost died from a home plate collision. He blocked the plate and walked away, but the next day while taking a shower at home he collapsed. It turns out he had internal bleeding from the collision. Get rid of that collision. There is no need for it and it is in no way wussifying the game. I don't think it is macho to hurt another player. I won't umpire MSBL just because a fifty year old man thinks it is important to break up a double play by wiping out the middle infielder. What the hell does it matter that the player may become so injured that he is no longer able to provide for his family? There is no need at all for a home plate collision. NONE! From the MSBL website: The rules committee is concerned about possible unnecessary and violent collisions that may occur with the catcher at home plate, and with infielders at all bases. The intent of this rule is to encourage base runners and defensive players to avoid such collisions whenever possible. a. When there is a collision between a runner and a fielder who clearly is in possession of the ball, the umpire shall judge: (1) Whether the collision by the runner was avoidable (could the runner have reached the base without colliding) or unavoidable (the runner’s path to the base was blocked) or (2) Whether the runner actually was attempting to reach the base (plate) or attempting to dislodge the ball from the fielder. PENALTY—If the runner, a) could have avoided the collision and reached the base, or b) attempted to dislodge the ball, the runner shall be declared out even if the fielder loses possession of the ball. The ball is dead and all other base runners shall return to the last base touched at the time of the interference. (3) If the fielder blocks the path of the base runner to the base (plate), the runner may make contact or slide into, a fielder as long as the runner is making a legitimate attempt to reach the base or plate. (4) If the collision by the runner was flagrant, the runner shall be declared out and also ejected from the contest. The ball shall be declared dead. So MLB is going to the NCAA rule,,, not a bad choice IMO
    1 point
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