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  1. Hello folks, It's been a while, hope everyone is doing well. Two years ago or so I bought a a +POS Cobra CP. Nice, lightweight thing but Harness/straps was awful. Tried to replace them with straps for a Force 3, and the clips did not attach to the CP slots. It was recommended that I get replacement straps for a System Seven CP. With the end of my very short season I started putting my gear away and tried to put the System Sever straps on, and they didn't work either. The clips were too wide and too small to hit in the +POS socket, and the shoulder straps were so short I couldn't even get them close to over my head they were so short. It seemed like the System Seven straps were made for a kid's sized F2 protector than an umpire protector. I purchased the System Seven harness from a reputable umpire gear company, so I assume they got me the right stuff. Does anyone have an suggestions where I might some kind of harness for the CP that will work? Would out good friend umplife himself be the best way to go? Thanks for your help, enjoy the season.
  2. Thank your for the information, and here is another question and a few comments. I went out over the past few days to find balls with the NOXY seal to show the members of my local association what the logo looks like. Rawlings, the vendor that makes tournament balls for the state i usually work in, has not made any balls available yet with the state logo and the NOXY seal on them. I did find some Diamond D1's at a local chain sporting goods store and on Ebay for $46/dozen, and a I think a picture from Rawlings on their web site of the "H3" version of their R100 NFHS ball. Both the D1 and Rawlings H3 ball have a small logo on it, which does not match the logo found on the NOXY report on their testing (the Feb. 2018 revision.) So, is the NOXY seal this or this? (See bottom of picture). It is possible that the upper logo is supposedly only used on the packaging for the baseballs, but the individual balls I bought today had no seal like this on the wrapping. Does that mean the D1's I got are for "low skill" players, or are last year's models? Next question: Is Fed or states mandating which version of the ball is used? Because there are supposedly 3 ball types listed by NOXY; one for "low", one for "medium", and one for "high" skill players. Well, if you look at Rawlings site, (https://www.rawlings.com/product/R100NF.html) it says the R100 NF balls are 89.00 a dozen and they are not available. Now on this page (https://www.rawlings.com/balls/high-school%2Fcollege/) you will see there are three models of the R100; the H1, H2, and H3. The H1 lists for 99.95 /dozen, the H2 lists for 84.95/dozen, and the H3 lists for 69.95/dozen. so obviously they are not the same ball, and if you look hard you can see the top of Noxy stamp on all of them. I talked to a local AD the other day, and he said last year they paid $86/dozen from this vendor https://www.bsnsports.com/r100-h3-1dz-tpk which lists these balls at 92.99/dozen, and they used a picture of an older ball that is not legal to use in the state I usually work in. I bring this up because it seems to me this thing is a complete mess at this point. You have on NOXY seal on these balls, which is different than the NOXY seal on every other piece of equipment, and at least with Rawlings, you can by 3 different versions of the same ball, but unless they each have different seams, or quality of leather, or are wound differently, exactly what kind of ball are you getting? Is the H1 for low skill players, or the H3 for high skill players? If you slap a state association logo on it, you could be paying almost $100/dozen for baseballs that are not appropriate for your HS team. On this page you see the same issue https://www.bsnsports.com/equipment/sports/baseball-softball/balls/high-school-college. Diamond has five different models for sale with various prices, with a different looking NOXY symbol on them, and only 2 of the five are advertised as NFHS/NOCASE. However, the top of the line $105/dozen ball says its a NFHS/NOCASE ball It seems to me that this could be and anti-plantiff/money grab by people, and not well organized by someone. I hate to talk like its a conspiracy but the rationale in the documentation seems pretty weak. NOXY sets standards that are more or less already in the rule book, then says to manufacturers in essence, do your testing and label your balls as Low, Medium, or High skilled players. Sell accordingly. Thanks for reading this and answering my question about the NOXY logo. I'll go back to lurking now.
  3. Maven, I'll ask you the same question I just thunderheads above: What makes a NOCASE stamped baseball any safer than any older baseballs used in HS Baseball? Where is the data that shows there is some kind of safety improvement in newer baseballs with the NOCASE seal than other baseballs?
  4. Thunder, Please tell me why NOCASE balls are safer than other, older baseballs for High School players to use.
  5. Wolfe Man, I was at the local interpreters meeting and the first face to face meeting in Zanesville last Thursday night, Dan was quite clear that if there are no 'noxy' ball, no game, no matter the level. It is wrong to do this, but that is what is .
  6. Matt, I am sorry but I disagree, it is relevant. The point of the play we are talking about is that the plate umpire killed a play that should not have been killed by rule (obstruction of the Batter by F2). I think the case play gives the crew latitude to move the runners one base, just like you award the batter one base. there are two out, the ball is hit to the outfield, and the runners are running as soon as the ball is hit. I believe this allows the crew to score R3, put R2 on 3B and the Batter at 1B. I may be a minority of one here, but I believe the award is justifiable here. I apologize for bringing this thread back up.
  7. Matt, 2019 Casebook: 8.1.1 SITUATION E: R2 is on second. F2 obstructs B2 but he hits and reaches first safely but R2, who was not moving on the pitch, is thrown out at home plate. RULING: Obstruction is ignored since R2 advanced one base and B2 reached first base safely. R2's advance past third was at his own risk and he is out. (5-1-2b, 8-3-3d) I still think this is a possbility, but then the fly in the ointment is that the PU killed the play. will rethink my opinion.
  8. Gentlemen, With all due respect, especially since this thread happened a year ago, why does 8-1-1e.1 does not apply here? IMO 10-2-3 and the mistake by the PU has nothing to do with it. Apply the rule as written. 1. 8.1.1- F2 obstructs the BR, BR and all runners moving advance 1 base, if all do advance the OBS is ignored. If they are not advancing no award for that runner unless forced. 2. The time and situation is 2 outs, right? it is a hit ball right? Anyone whoever played baseball knows the runners are running, so even if the crew cannot see the runners running obviously they are, especially if the ball is heading to center. 3. So if I am on that crew I flashing the extra information signal we used, get people together, and lobby for R3 scoring, R2 to 3B and BR to 1B no matter when time was called.
  9. I wish i could get them in 15. I talked to someone there by e-mail when I asked if Mizuno ever made larger sizes. He said no, but there have been several/many people who have asked about it. Maybe they will make some in the future.
  10. Stripes, Get well soon! I am going through sort of the same thing, but it's with a pair of bad knees that cost me my whole summer season, and a ton of really good games. I hate every moment of it, and it's driving me crazy. The only things I've found that help is to work really hard on rehab (if you can), and hope for a lot of grace to see me though. Sometimes we have to accept that our bodies break down sometimes and we have to let it heal. Thank God that we live in a time where the medical arts have learned so much about healing the human body that injuries that used to end careers are once we can come back from.
  11. UIC, I understand why you like this idea so much, but in all honesty I hate it. this year I got so busy with work, illness, and the other sports i worked that I missed the day i had to see the video to be tournament eligible (I literally thought it was a Monday, not a Sunday when it closed, I set a day aside to watch and study it, one day too late), not that it matters at my age very much. That weekend or even just two days to get away and concentrate on Baseball and enjoying the company of fellow umpires is such a great thing for me to enjoy/participate in, it was a perfect way to start getting mentally ready for the season. This year it was just another video presentation I had to do I really hope next year they will have on-site meetings, and especially because it might be my last one before I am too old/slow to umpire college baseball anymore.
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