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Everything posted by Velho

  1. To add: "being forced" is a state of being for a runner and not how the out is made. Everything about the OP and @Richvee's answer applies to any runner forced to advance by the batter becoming a runner. That runner tagged before reaching the next base is a "force out" (so long as the force is still in effect).
  2. Given that vision depth perception isn't fully matured until age 12 this is a fruitless exercise. Age 12! Think about what depth perception means in playing baseball.
  3. At 10U, I think those are very good questions to ask. Why are you doing those things? I'll skip ranting about how they are detrimental to player and youth development. I'm not trying to be an ass but use these questions to make a point. I am keen on adult intentionality and self awareness in youth sports 108baseballstories.com/parents I'm all in on this - even in the last inning of a 10U "championship". I hear you, but on the rubber is on the rubber. This is the Pandora's box you open once you go to open bases (as opposed to closed bases in Little League).
  4. Only one thing matters: chocolate or vanilla?
  5. Bad day according to year to date data (though I'd like to see strike & ball accuracy separate from overall consistency).
  6. For the life of me I can't figure out why language I've bolded above is there. What is that trying to say?
  7. Well, you weren't giving him the ones in the right handed batters box. C'mon man, you can't have it both ways! 😂
  8. Why does that feel like it was stolen off a porch?
  9. Here is a direct view of the video
  10. And NFHS explicitly addresses it. It is technically a guideline as noted above but covering it vs OBR silence tells you something. The umpire-in-chief sometimes asks for aid from the base umpire when there is a question as to whether a batter's 'half swing' is such as to be called a strike. As an aid in deciding, the umpire may note whether the swing carried the barrel of the bat past the body of the batter, but final decision is based on whether the batter actually struck at the ball.
  11. Obviously only the commissioner (or equivalent person/group) can answer that but, imo, only send him back if he successfully steals on a ball that didn't leave the circle. The rule as presented was "you can't steal" not "you can't get a good jump or lead off a lot". KISS (no offense meant on last S). Until they pin him to the base, let it play.
  12. Looks like LL may be the one of the few (only?) to codify this. 7.10(d):
  13. In LL, you can't have one arm covered (and not even two sleeves technically). Watching the game, I see the pitcher say something along the lines of "brace for my bad shoulder" at which point HPU backs off and walks away. Question to me is "is this performance enhancer or preventative?"* * With caveat that I asked a friend who's son is D1 pitcher. Response: "They are charging how much for that snake oil?"
  14. Is there a cite? I looked in MLBUM and JR but couldn't find anything on point.
  15. Page 9 in 2024 OBR https://mktg.mlbstatic.com/mlb/official-information/2024-official-baseball-rules.pdf
  16. I'd hope so with all that lateral movement practice.
  17. Back home and clearing my LLWS review notes. One thing I saw was a pitcher wearing this. Is this a injury prevention bracing device? https://betterbaseball.com/kinetic-arm-k2-adult-sleeve-dynamic-arm-stabilizer-k2slv?product=124142&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=(ROI) PMax Shopping - Kinetic Arm&utm_id=21194797365&utm_content=&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD5XmaP-jorY_3TLWsVI4JdkDOcdx&gclid=CjwKCAjw_ZC2BhAQEiwAXSgClizbfYhMG67NhEuCVQ0k3PLdaP3FxmYC0XJvF3lGq2Qv7t360FOkFhoCp0gQAvD_BwE
  18. In the inverse, I've found myself telling them "hit that spot again" on a ball that should've been a strike (I know, I l know - if doubt it's a strike) 🛎️ ding-ding. This is what stops me from engaging with the catcher too much. There is a decent chance they are making up things I've said, don't want to add to it.
  19. since the last two letters would be "me", I'll play "boomer" (as comically calls me) and say "Oh yes they would since it's all about them"
  20. Not sure if that makes me feel better or not vs a throat slash. LOL
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