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Everything posted by Velho

  1. This threads raise the question: How much do folks pay attention / care about teams jersey colors? Does that opinion change in post season?
  2. What do people think about some common phrases and attitudes in postgame like the below? "Yeah, we got that wrong. Oh well, X team won anyway." "I’m fine with how we handled that. ABC team won anyway." (FWIW, I'm not referring to the never has and never will be faded navy only umpires. They are their own class that don't need further discussion.)
  3. Viral umpiring Not proactive in this case but rather passive. Inaction is still an action.
  4. I bought a Japanese pair off eBay. Was quick and easy (I'm keeping them so can't speak to returns customer service). First pair after only having New Balance before. No game until the fall but I like them after trying them on. My vendor was "mercamera"
  5. Emphasis added. And that's exactly the mindset we want to always have https://medium.com/geekculture/dunning-kruger-effect-and-journey-of-a-software-engineer-a35f2ff18f1a you can broadly spot 3 kinds of people, the ones with super high energy to learn and learn fast; the ones who have answer for everything and think they know it all and the ones who actually know a lot but will always answer conditionally with an “if” and a “maybe”. These are just different stages generally we all go through.
  6. If someone wants to get picky on what non-standard shirt we wear, I'll happily borrow their spare of that color/style. 😁
  7. And to quote him directly "too much of a good thing is a good thing"
  8. Back to out of base path at home plate, a possible answer may be legacy. I found that OBR in 1975 stated (emphasis mine) "7.08 Any runner is out when (a) (1) He runs more than three feet away from a direct line between bases to avoid being tagged" vs current OBR: "5.09(b) Any runner is out when: (1) He runs more than three feet away from his base path to avoid being tagged." The 1975 book included an interpretation: Baserunner slides home, misses plate On a fly to short center, the runner tries to score from third, but a strong throw beats him by several feet. The runner slides around the catcher and not only avoids the tag but misses the plate by at least a foot. Hoping to bluff it out, the runner nonchalantly starts for the dugout, but the backstop starts chasing him. Trying to avoid the catcher, the runner circles around him while trying to get back to the plate. What should the umpire do? Since the runner has not left "a direct line between bases to avoid being tagged," he has the right to attempt to return to the plate. How- ever, the catcher simply should have ignored him, stepped on the plate before he returned and appealed to the umpire that the runner missed the plate. (7.08a-k)
  9. Cleaning my office and stopped doing so to read this book I inherited from my dad (printed 1975). This exact play was addressed.
  10. Learn something new everyday. I went digging and found the language in OBR from 1975 and also disused in Nemec's "Rules of Baseball" (1994).
  11. Not sure this is a fair comparison. Did MLB previously have a time limit to pitch rule? FED and LL did/do.
  12. Your issue is calling this Interference since it's not a dead ball?
  13. I saw that as well. I wonder how much of that was "Sigh. There goes Fred again."
  14. Yep. MSU. Crap. Live and learn. Bonus for the debate on is it faster or not: here is a study identifying that the sprinter start is faster https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5955303/ @beerguy55 - great point about it getting interpreted as leaving early. Often umpire go on the motion and forget that last cleat hangs on the bag longer than one would think.
  15. It’s runner timing leaving the bag as the pitch reaches the batter (the LL baseball rule).
  16. Well this is embarrassing... Is the "sprinters start" where the baserunner has a foot behind the base (and in foul territory when on 1B) legal in baseball? In practice you rarely see it in baseball vs often in softball. LL rules does say you can't get a flying start in back of the base if not touching the base so I think I've answered my own question but am wondering if I missed a rule cite.
  17. So the grandparent in the 5th row should replace us every game? 😁 I randomly carry my gear to games as well (not saying I slashed anybodies tires but, y'know random things happen). Back to serious, thanks for the thoughtful response.
  18. Appreciate the response and real life experience. I agree that when resources are limited, it changes things. Just in case the tone gets lost, my questions below are clarifying more so than challenging... Are you referring to PU with this statement? Or any umpire? To clarify: I'm only talking about affiliations in a given game. Not an overall tournament. If an ump has an affiliation to a team in the game and can be swapped with a ump on another field at the same site at the same game time, would you swap them? Anything beyond a specific league (maybe stretched to a District in LL) is as you've said - a move on. Declaring shenanigans simply because an umpire is from the same state is silly.
  19. In postseason play* I think we can all agree that if enough umpires are available they should not work games with leagues they are affiliated with (e.g. are on the board/teach at, are the UIC, coach at, etc.).** Heard about a game that got me thinking: What if there aren’t enough umpires? What are the acceptable compromises? - Put the affiliated umpire on the bases instead of plate, on the other side of the field (3 person) or U2 (4 person)? - When would you go down an umpire (4 to 3, 3 to 2)? Ignore if that umpire was UIC? President? Parent of a player in the game? - Likewise, thinking it’s a higher bar, when would you go solo vs 2-man? The primary impetus of my question was a HS Section game where2 person PU got knocked out (he ended up being ok. Took one off the side of his neck/mask.). Base umpire suited up and an umpire from the stands (part of the association and all so not a random) was there and jumped in as BU. Those at the game had no idea where this BU came from*** but, turns out, he was in the stands watching the game - which begs the question: Why was he there? Child/grandchild in the game? Random spectator? What situations should have made that ump not jump in - leaving BU (now PU) solo? Thought it was an interesting scenario to hash through. * The bar is lower regular season and intra-league so am focusing the post on playoffs. I have done regular season LL intra-league games on plate where my BU was a parent of a player. Everyone knew it was happening. I didn’t like it but the parent/ump, kid, and teams were good with it so c'est la vie. ** And, because of TBD nature of postseasons, if that does happen it’s rational to simply reassign them to another field. None of us want to be on a crew where the teams or fans identify an umps as President of the league for one of the teams. Yes, you can make sure they aren’t on plate but even on bases the default should be to swap them. Again, when you have enough umpires in the first place. *** I think they thought the Association had an emergency one on hand.
  20. Yes, the runs scores. Outs from retouch appeals are time plays. From the LL Rules Instruction Manual:
  21. I expected the same and the few Section games I've done had tight fields. However, my Saturday game showed me otherwise as it was a mediocre setup. The field wasn't enclosed and had a bullpen (singular) that was out of play but with open line of sight to the plate. It didn't even have a scoreboard. I've come to realize that who is willing to host is likely the deciding factor.
  22. All valid points and yes, LL pageantry changes the deeper into the post season we go, and yes TDs should be explaining all this before games start. At the same time, let's not miss how this may well have went (sorry, I'm a cynic when it comes to 9U coaches): I can imagine: U1: Hey coach, pregame is about to start. We need to get everyone in the dugout. Thanks. (F1 starts to walk towards dugout) Coach: No. He has to warm up. Johnny, go warm up. (kid confused watching adults argue). Johnny. Go warm up. Now! Possible U1 didn't say it with such nice words or tone? Of course and, if so, bears some blame. Possible that response from the coach (even without that last part) was anything but a F'you? Not really. If coach responded with "oh, crap. We screwed up the timing (or Johnny just got here). How can we get him warm?" and U1 didn't partner, then yeah umpire escalated it. Though, the bullpen may have been in the field of play and only 100 feet from home plate so, even if U1 wanted to work something out, that's a safety issue. (Not to mention the umpire wanting to follow their assignors directions. That is in play at all levels). U1's hands may well have been tied. U1 may also be a jerk. Though I doubt @Mudisfun would be relaying the story if that was the U1's nature. * It wasn't Anthony - the other one, not the teddy bear one - was it? 🤣
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