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I think im done

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You would think with the shortages, solo on varsity games.  People would get the message, but it has taken the fun of being on the field, out of me.

I had to apply game management more then just doing my job and position on the field.  I cant tie it to any missed call or argument with coaches.  Its the players, and the fans.

The rabbit ears filter eventually to some its going to take its toll. Maybe i did too many games this season (60+) , maybe I need to take a break and see.  

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@Umpire942 ... I can definitely empathize with your position.  I've been there several times, particularly after multiple really bad season-ending games.  Two of the last three seasons I've ended were games with terrible fan/coach/player behavior, fights, etc.  I walked away from both of them saying "I may be done.  That wasn't fun and I don't need this."  After a few months, I was jonesing to get back.  I know there will be a day when that doesn't happen.

Number of games can be a factor.  Before COVID I was targeting 200 games a season for a few seasons (thanks to weekend tournaments) in a place where the season ran from late March to late August.  Now I am in a place where I could easily hit that (the only "off" season is really just December and January), but I force myself not to.

I would encourage you to take time off before making a decision.  Maybe that time is a weekend or week during the season, a few months in an off season, or even a year to explore other parts of life.  We often talk about a work-life balance when it comes to our day jobs, but it certainly also applies here.

I would also encourage you to look at what kind of ball you are calling and where you are calling it.  Maybe a simple change of scenery or some more relaxed games peppered in will help break things up. If you notice the problems are coming from certain teams/locations, stop accepting those assignments.  Talk to the assignor and ask if he/she can place you elsewhere.  Almost every problem I have had in the last two years has happened at the same complex.  I haven't totally black-listed them, but I try to work at other complexes.

I have mentioned a local rec league I've worked the last few years ... the ball is TERRIBLE (if you even call it baseball/softball) ... but it is FUN and the pay is good (better than some more competitive stuff I do).  It is little kids, coaches who are (for the most part) just happy to have the kids on the field, and parents who are actually there to enjoy the game their kid is playing.  In two years, I've never had a real problem there.

I hate to see good people go, but I also understand that knowing when to walk away may be what makes them good people.  When it comes down to it, you need to do what is best for you.  If there is anything I can help you talk through, please feel free to PM me! 

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I've been there, but I recommend that you take a break for a few weeks and then see if you miss it. 

It's true that people are worse in most areas to be honest, but if you cut back in the number of games that you take, then it gives you more time to appreciate the game (and possibly the kids). 

I completely understand the solo games problem. I hate doing solos and I mean I despise it - to the place I may consider not accepting them next year.  But then, I may feel different come Spring. 

The odd thing is I almost always have partners in the Summer for everything, but HS time rolls around we have a huge shortage for some reason.  I'm starting to think some don't want to have to wear the navy uniforms (right @MadMax? :stir:fuel:) or something.  I know some don't want to pay the fees to get certified (or keep the certification), but man we could use them in HS too.

If you do decide to walk away, thank you for your time and for caring.  We'll be sorry you left, but can understand the frustrations of the job.   Just think it through all the way and live with no regrets.

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6 hours ago, wolfe_man said:


The odd thing is I almost always have partners in the Summer for everything, but HS time rolls around we have a huge shortage for some reason.  I'm starting to think some don't want to have to wear the navy uniforms (right @MadMax? :stir:fuel:) or something.  I know some don't want to pay the fees to get certified (or keep the certification), but man we could use them in HS too.

I think that it’s also that HS games tend to start so early that many can’t get from day job to field in time.  If you can only work Saturday I can see why you wouldn’t pay your fee.

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3 hours ago, cyclonehokiece said:

I think that it’s also that HS games tend to start so early that many can’t get from day job to field in time.  If you can only work Saturday I can see why you wouldn’t pay your fee.

True. Good point!

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I was a member of my local association for HS ball. I do have an issue of not being able to get to early starts but even when I made myself available a couple of nights per week, I wouldn't get scheduled. I gave up trying to get off early to be at games and now don't call HS ball at all unless it's summer ball or showcase ball. I also chose to take time off this year after a fall ball game that I got yelled at for calls that were very easy and not even controversial other than they went against little Johnny's team. After that game, i went to the assignor and told him I was done for the fall season and wouldn't be available for the spring season either. Just tired of the BS. I will probably start umpiring again later this year, but the time off has been nice.

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On 5/19/2022 at 12:53 PM, wolfe_man said:

The odd thing is I almost always have partners in the Summer for everything, but HS time rolls around we have a huge shortage for some reason.  I'm starting to think some don't want to have to wear the navy uniforms (right @MadMax? :stir:fuel:) or something.

It’s a three-pronged problem, and this is true both up north (Wisconsin, et. al.) and on-the-rise here in the southwest. 

  1. The HS districts are absolutely strapped for cash, and have zero-to-no interest or ability to install lights; those schools that do lay out for lights for baseball must also install lights for softball, due to Title IX, regardless as to if the softball program wants or needs them. A baseball field is an incredibly specialized field, and can be used solely for baseball, and that season is relatively short. Added to this, schools must provide buses for any late extracurricular activities, and now with the inflated costs of all of that, schools are forced to arrange as many activities to occur simultaneously. More games at once = less officials (overall). Then, with a start time before 5pm (so as to take advantage of sunlight, since they don’t have lights), the pool of available officials at that time is drastically reduced. 
  2. The costs are all escalating, but the game fees have not risen that significantly. Most people – at least most responsible, sensible people who have a work ethic (which the latest generations just don’t have) – have taken jobs that pay more comparatively, and aren’t affected or outright canceled by weather. No game = no pay. 
  3. There are still holdout conclaves of “older” officials who either are “loyal favorites” of assigners, or are assigners themselves, and continue to get/give prime, plush assignments, including postseason. Officials (umpires) are getting fed up with dealing with the politics with such pathetic returns in their investments – of time, fees & dues, and equipment. 

Bonus! -
And then I hear of associations still claiming COVID protocols, and either offer limited e-training (how do you learn a pivot or rotation on Zoom??!!) or else forgo any training at all… but still draw the same fees & dues amount! 

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7 hours ago, MadMax said:

It’s a three-pronged problem, and this is true both up north (Wisconsin, et. al.) and on-the-rise here in the southwest. 

  1. The HS districts are absolutely strapped for cash, and have zero-to-no interest or ability to install lights; those schools that do lay out for lights for baseball must also install lights for softball, due to Title IX, regardless as to if the softball program wants or needs them. A baseball field is an incredibly specialized field, and can be used solely for baseball, and that season is relatively short. Added to this, schools must provide buses for any late extracurricular activities, and now with the inflated costs of all of that (Thanks Joe!), schools are forced to arrange as many activities to occur simultaneously. More games at once = less officials (overall). Then, with a start time before 5pm (so as to take advantage of sunlight, since they don’t have lights), the pool of available officials at that time is drastically reduced. 
  2. The costs are all escalating (thanks Donkeys!), but the game fees have not risen that significantly. Most people – at least most responsible, sensible people who have a work ethic (which the latest generations just don’t have) – have taken jobs that pay more comparatively, and aren’t affected or outright canceled by weather. No game = no pay. 
  3. There are still holdout conclaves of “older” officials who either are “loyal favorites” of assigners, or are assigners themselves, and continue to get/give prime, plush assignments, including postseason. Officials (umpires) are getting fed up with dealing with the politics with such pathetic returns in their investments – of time, fees & dues, and equipment. 

Bonus! -
And then I hear of associations still claiming COVID ( 🐂 💩) protocols, and either offer limited e-training (how do you learn a pivot or rotation on Zoom??!!) or else forgo any training at all… but still draw the same fees & dues amount! 

I'm shutting this down. Plenty of unnecessary and quite frankly, false editorial in here. 

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