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Umpire in Chief
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Next month I will be launching a series of weekly YouTube videos. These will be short videos to help umpires develop. I already have over 100 topics on my list and have created nearly 20 which are ready to be launched right now. 

What I'm looking for from you is your ideas for topics. Your honest feedback on the videos as they come out or other pertinent feedback.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy!

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At our LL District camp, they showed a bunch of videos of plays that could or could not have been called interference or obstruction. They didn't tell us what the call was and we barely touched on what we thought. 

As somebody who is still early on in their experience, I would find it extremely helpful to see examples and some discussion on what the call was, and why it was called that way. 

I also think including all rulesets in the topics would be extremely helpful. Even though there isn't a chance in hell, I'll work an MLB game, knowing how their rules differ from LL does help when dealing with a coach or a fellow umpire who isn't quite sure. 

I also think positions and roles would be a good one to see.

Thanks for doing this, I can't fathom the amount of work it will be. 

I'd suggest asking for $10/year donations to cover the cost. 


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How basic do you want to get?  Just one going over the usual signals would be a wonder for me to send around to our kids in the spring.  But I would also use more advanced and tricky plays as discussion points too.

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On 11/18/2017 at 3:37 PM, BT_Blue said:

@Umpire in Chief

Warren, are you going to have a YouTube channel to subscribe to?

I have a channel with 1 whopping video one it currently. 


On 11/17/2017 at 6:36 PM, stevis said:

How basic do you want to get?  Just one going over the usual signals would be a wonder for me to send around to our kids in the spring.  But I would also use more advanced and tricky plays as discussion points too.

Basic enough where I can cover it in just 2-3 min.Signals sounds like a good suggestion.. 

On 11/17/2017 at 4:05 PM, Mister B said:

At our LL District camp, they showed a bunch of videos of plays that could or could not have been called interference or obstruction. They didn't tell us what the call was and we barely touched on what we thought. 

As somebody who is still early on in their experience, I would find it extremely helpful to see examples and some discussion on what the call was, and why it was called that way. 

I also think including all rulesets in the topics would be extremely helpful. Even though there isn't a chance in hell, I'll work an MLB game, knowing how their rules differ from LL does help when dealing with a coach or a fellow umpire who isn't quite sure. 

I also think positions and roles would be a good one to see.

Thanks for doing this, I can't fathom the amount of work it will be. 

I'd suggest asking for $10/year donations to cover the cost. 


I probably will not cover LL rules as I'm not well versed on those. Most rules I'm going to cover are from the standpoint of MLB/OBR. I also have a couple planned for NFHS. I will also have some things on mechanics.

As for a donation, I'm flattered, but that's not necessary. If you want to contribute to the site I suggest becoming a Premium Member. However, I have taken down the option to purchase Premium Memberships for the immediate time as it is being revamped. Look for Premium Memberships to return in the near future.


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2-3 minutes videos......just trying to think of something from basic to advanced that you could do in that short period of time.

Working the slot(feet, head position, distance from catcher)

Timing(what is timing, how we use it)

The wedge (plays at the plate)

Read step

post pitch step

b and c  2 man doubleplay footwork/mechanics

When to go out on a flyball

how to start a game(from arriving at field to ending the plate conference)


how/when to get help from your partner

timing play(1 out/2 out)

4th out rule


EJ HC and how to get them off the field

There are probably a few others I can think of, but my brain is more focused on turkey.

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I'm looking forward to this Thanksgiving weekend. I'm becoming more proficient at putting these videos together so each one is going quicker. I hope to get 10+ videos completed. 

My new target date for the first one to launch is 12/6/17. 

For now I'm going to keep with weekly launches of new videos, but if I get enough stockpiled I may go to 2x a week.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a couple more that are coming out with only 1 channel of audio. I've spent too much effort trying to correct the issue including duplicating the existing audio and adding it to a second channel, but no luck. I intended on knocking out 3-4 videos over the weekend as my goal is to have a surplus which will carry me over for when the season heats up (One month from today my season begins !!!!)

I have new equipment on order which should be in this week. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty excited because I got some new equipment in last night which (I hope) will help me make better quality videos. Especially in the audio and lighting areas. Plus I'm not going to be using my webcam so I will be able to escape from my computer to make them.

I have a couple already done and scheduled to be released through YouTube. I'm debating re-doing those before moving forward with new ones. 

And I hate to beg but here it is straight forward. One of my goals with the YouTube Channel is to monetize for income. That said Tuesday (1/16/18) YouTube changed it's monetization structure (the snowflakes in the YouTube community are going Ape$h1+). Now to even be considered for monetization you must have:

  • 1000 Subscribers
  • 240,000 minutes of viewed content

I'm just starting out so I'm NOWHERE near those stats, and I was nowhere near the previous requirements but here's how you can help:

  1. Subscribe (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0vV4nQjnhngh6dXcMQol_w) - And if you have multiple gmail accounts subscribe through all ;) 
  2. Watch all the videos in their entirety - Even if you just go to the channel and select videos --> Play all and just let them run in the background. 
  3. Like the videos if you find them useful.
  4. Share (as long as you think they are worthy).
  5. Finally - Give your input and feedback especially on topics you'd like to see.

Do I actually think I'm going to be the next PewDiePie or Smosh or anybody else - No, not at all. But I do believe I can produce some videos which have  solid value to the umpiring community.

So your help and support is greatly appreciated.

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