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You ever hate working with a certain partner?

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Got a guy in my league that no one wants to work with. If he knew have much as he thinks he knows he would know twice what he knows. I'nm plate he is first base, and we have a third guy. I get a check swing so I check it to him and he stands there. I'm still point at him he finally singals strike. This happens two other times in the game!:WTF In about the fourth inngin the count is 3-1, player fouls off a ball down the first baseline and out of play. Next pitch is a ball. So guy on first, one out I think(not really important) The pitcher is standing in front of the mound just looking at the runner, who is not paying attention and has over ran the base on a walk, taken a turn like he is going to second. The pitcher throws the ball to the first baseman who tags the runner. Out or Safe? He wasn't watching! He was turned around telling the kid looking for the Foul ball where it was. The third base ump that was moving to B was watching and he called him safe, I think he was out, but he was in a better spot.

So after the game he comes up to me and goes "You have to get a different sign to single check swing because your call for strike and check down are the same.":HS I say "John, did I call strike?" "No" "Did I call strike on every other called strike I had during the game" "Yeah" "Wouldn't that make you think I was checking you?" "All I'm saying is that you need to change." I replyed "John, they may be similiar but if you were paying attention to the game you would have known what was going on. If it was such an issue, why didn't you signal you wanted to talk to me between innings and tell me you want me to change it, instead of complaining about it after the game(that was the issue we had last year, him complaining about somehting you could have fixed during the game.)"

I'm not prefect but if there is an issue come talk to me. Pain

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I agree sometimes you get these guys that "know everything". Its their way or no way!

I had a partner about a week ago that was bossy. I was PU and he was telling F2 when to throw it down between innings. :WTF:WTF

I had a talk with him after the second inning.

I do have one recommendation and that is when you check a swing say something like "Did he go?"

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I agree sometimes you get these guys that "know everything". Its their way or no way!

I had a partner about a week ago that was bossy. I was PU and he was telling F2 when to throw it down between innings. :WTF:WTF

I had a talk with him after the second inning.

I do have one recommendation and that is when you check a swing say something like "Did he go?"

I did hit him with the "Did he go" The last time I even said "John, did he go" I will admit I could have been louder

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Got a guy in my league that no one wants to work with. If he knew have much as he thinks he knows he would know twice what he knows. I'nm plate he is first base, and we have a third guy. I get a check swing so I check it to him and he stands there. I'm still point at him he finally singals strike. This happens two other times in the game!:WTF In about the fourth inngin the count is 3-1, player fouls off a ball down the first baseline and out of play. Next pitch is a ball. So guy on first, one out I think(not really important) The pitcher is standing in front of the mound just looking at the runner, who is not paying attention and has over ran the base on a walk, taken a turn like he is going to second. The pitcher throws the ball to the first baseman who tags the runner. Out or Safe? He wasn't watching! He was turned around telling the kid looking for the Foul ball where it was. The third base ump that was moving to B was watching and he called him safe, I think he was out, but he was in a better spot.

So after the game he comes up to me and goes "You have to get a different sign to single check swing because your call for strike and check down are the same.":HS I say "John, did I call strike?" "No" "Did I call strike on every other called strike I had during the game" "Yeah" "Wouldn't that make you think I was checking you?" "All I'm saying is that you need to change." I replyed "John, they may be similiar but if you were paying attention to the game you would have known what was going on. If it was such an issue, why didn't you signal you wanted to talk to me between innings and tell me you want me to change it, instead of complaining about it after the game(that was the issue we had last year, him complaining about somehting you could have fixed during the game.)"

I'm not prefect but if there is an issue come talk to me. Pain

buddy, strike call right hand check swing left hand, wax on wax off. 1

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Every association has "this guy"..(my first assoc called them JONAH's)...and it behooves the association to have your top officers or eval guy work with him at least one game.....give him some proper after game feedback.....

to that end, many of these types wont take advice when given......I worked with our JONAH and after the game when we were changing I was putting my thoughts together to present to him....

and he asked me......."why dont I get the better games or get to work with the better guys?"

I asked him directly....do you want some honest feedback? He said yes...


Your mechanics knowledge is lacking, you are often out of position.....

Your rules knowledge is lacking, you often rely on your partner to sort out your rulings....

You show up late.....

You project an "I'm not interested in the game" attitiude...

You dress poorly.......

and lastly, you dont seem to want to get better.........and we cant put that guy on better games or subject better umpires to that type of partner.......

now if you want to get better Ill work with you, give you all the resources you need.........

Ive worked with him 4 times this year and he is begrudgingly getting some better.....

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Got a guy in my league that no one wants to work with. If he knew have much as he thinks he knows he would know twice what he knows. I'm plate he is first base, and we have a third guy. I get a check swing so I check it to him and he stands there. I'm still point at him he finally singals strike. This happens two other times in the game!:

As Stan says we all have "this guy"

My question to you is

Why keep asking him for help on a check swing after the first one?

When we work with partners like this unfortunately we have to adjust.

I had a similar incident. It was the first inning and I went to my partner on a check swing. He didn't even acknowledge it. I finally said Joe did he go and he simply shrugged his shoulders. No safe call or No he didn't go, just a shrug of the shoulders like I don't know.

The batter turned around (in a very nice way) and said "Blue going to be a long game " and I had to call Time (I didn't want to show up my partner) so I could turn around, hide my face in my mask and laugh.

From then on I didn't check with him the remainder of the game NOR did the coaches ask me to check with him because they saw what happend the first time.

Hopefully you do not have many assignments with "this guy" When you do rather then get "bent out of shape" adjust somewhat, get through the game best as you can an move on. If you are a frequent partner of his THEN you have to say something.

I would have a chat "face to face"away from everybody and if he does NOT get the message, then the LAST resort is to call your assignor and refuse to work with "this guy' again.

It's one thing if you get a game or 2 with "this guy" but if you have a "steady diet" it's very frustarting and something has to be done.

Pete Booth

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As Stan says we all have "this guy"

My question to you is

Why keep asking him for help on a check swing after the first one?

When we work with partners like this unfortunately we have to adjust.

I had a similar incident. It was the first inning and I went to my partner on a check swing. He didn't even acknowledge it. I finally said Joe did he go and he simply shrugged his shoulders. No safe call or No he didn't go, just a shrug of the shoulders like I don't know.

The batter turned around (in a very nice way) and said "Blue going to be a long game " and I had to call Time (I didn't want to show up my partner) so I could turn around, hide my face in my mask and laugh.

From then on I didn't check with him the remainder of the game NOR did the coaches ask me to check with him because they saw what happend the first time.

Hopefully you do not have many assignments with "this guy" When you do rather then get "bent out of shape" adjust somewhat, get through the game best as you can an move on. If you are a frequent partner of his THEN you have to say something.

I would have a chat "face to face"away from everybody and if he does NOT get the message, then the LAST resort is to call your assignor and refuse to work with "this guy' again.

It's one thing if you get a game or 2 with "this guy" but if you have a "steady diet" it's very frustarting and something has to be done.

Pete Booth

Why did I check the swing again with him? Because I didn't know if he went. I'm not going to guess at a call because someone is not smart enought to know what is going on. I would feel like I was cheating the kids.

I understand what you are saying, but I rarely call for a check swing so when I do I'm not in the right spot to make a call. He needs to be on his toes.

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Come on Stan, you can't use acronyms without sharing...:WTF What's it stand for?:HS

Yeah Stan, especially after I ran it in on AcronymFinder.com. Won't share what it came back with!! :WTF

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I've worked w/a few guys I wasn't thrilled with, but I've only ever had one guy so bad I won't work w/him again. 3 years ago; LL 11 yr. old All-Stars; we're working 3-man - I'm U3.

PU & I show up at about the same time (approx. 45 minutes before game time) U1 is nowhere to be seen, so after a few minutes, we start pre-gaming for 2-man. We get to the field and just as the plate meeting is finishing, Bozo shows up. By the time he got onto the field, I had taken the 'A' position - he comes over and shooes me away to 'D.' "OK, I think. No big deal."

He then proceeds to put on a clinic of how not to umpire. Among his many, many transgressions were:

Straight-lining himself in foul territory three times on simple calls at 1B (1st time, he missed F3 bobbling the ball and called an 'Out')

Setting up in 'B' in the dirt between 1B & 2B; literally in the base-path

Refusing to move from this position when requested to by F4 - several times

Staring at his indicator, oh I don't know, several dozen times, missing pretty much every signal PU was giving.

Obviously, and with outward disgust, having to change his indicator when he rolled off a ball or strike that was called the opposite way by the PU

Setting up in 'B' on any situation when there was any runner - anywhere - and motioning me off to 'D' each and every time.

Chatting it up with the spectators on his side of the field between every inning

Ignoring multiple requests by myself and PU to come in and talk between innings (the one time I could get to him, I had to go all the way over to the 1BL. Wanted to discuss positioning, but before I could start, he quite loudly pointed out to me that I shouldn't have called that runner back for leaving early 'cause he didn't gain an advntage by doing so)

Hanging around shaking hands with every member of the winning team, and only the winning team, once the game was over.

There's more, but it's all too painful to recall.

After the game, rather than having a post-game w/us, he rolled by us in the parking lot while in his car and dropped some profound wisdom on how we could each get better! :WTF After all, he's been doing this for a lot longer than either of us.

I still see him on the post-season schedule every year. He's there again this year.

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My guy isn't a mechanics screw up or a rule screw up, he is just a human waste of time. This guy would honestly make a call, and then spend 10 minutes explaining why he made this call. Then while he was explaining the call he stumbled through it, kind of like Porky Pig. It might not have been too bad, but he was the plate umpire that game, and watching him explain why he called a pitch a strike/ball did kind of get on my last nerves.

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I'm thinking there is an alternative meaning.:)

just an note that I started umpiring in rural georgia deep in the heart of the bible belt....

Jonah is also the central character in the Book of Jonah. the story of Jonah is that he was ordered by God to go to the city of Nineveh..... Jonah decides instead to flee by ship. A huge storm arises and the sailors, realize that Jonah is to blame. Jonah admits this and states that if he is thrown overboard the storm will cease. The sailors feel forced to throw him overboard, at which point the sea calms.....

My chapter umpire felt that when working with "those guys" bad things always happended......so they became JONAH"S........

I firmly deny that anyone used it to describe "just one nother a$$ hole"

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just an note that I started umpiring in rural georgia deep in the heart of the bible belt....

Jonah is also the central character in the Book of Jonah. the story of Jonah is that he was ordered by God to go to the city of Nineveh..... Jonah decides instead to flee by ship. A huge storm arises and the sailors, realize that Jonah is to blame. Jonah admits this and states that if he is thrown overboard the storm will cease. The sailors feel forced to throw him overboard, at which point the sea calms.....

My chapter umpire felt that when working with "those guys" bad things always happended......so they became JONAH"S........

I firmly deny that anyone used it to describe "just one nother a$$ hole"

OK. I know who Jonah is, but when you spelt it in all caps, some of us were led to believe it was an acronym for something. But...quite an appropriate tag for the reasons mentioned! :)

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Jonah is also the central character in the Book of Jonah. the story of Jonah is that he was ordered by God to go to the city of Nineveh..... Jonah decides instead to flee by ship. A huge storm arises and the sailors, realize that Jonah is to blame. Jonah admits this and states that if he is thrown overboard the storm will cease. The sailors feel forced to throw him overboard, at which point the sea calms.....

I saw the Veggietales.

As far as bad partners, I get them all the time at the local park.

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