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I got my hands on (and my head into) the brand-new EvoShield Pro-SRZ Hockey Style Mask. Since EvoShield is a subsidiary of Wilson :rolleyes:, we can definitely see the family lineage as the shell is very similar to the Wilson ProStock. Curiously, the shell volume is greater than its ProStock sibling, with the reason being for something that I'll illuminate later. But, this translates into a HSM that comfortably does accommodate  hat sizes up to Size 8. Very, very few HSMs can claim that. The Wilson ProStock certainly can't, since it was aggressively narrowed and raked so as to appeal to catchers. 

The cage is substantial, utilizing solid wire steel and several joints that increase strength and bend resistance. Since the shell distributes the weight load over the entirety of the unit, it doesn't feel like it's hanging off the front of your face (like the TM version tends to), but it does make for a hefty HSM to lug around on a rotation to 3B. The cage finish is a flat coal black, so there's no glint off the bars; similarly, there isn't any gloss to be marred by multiple ball impacts. 

The real gem of the unit, though, is the inclusion and reliance on WindPact CrashCloud technology. The WindPact "cloud cells" or pillows are strategically located in the chin, jaw, forehead and temples – downright ideal! Due to the nature of how the WindPact cells function, they need the increased volume of the shell to properly fit. But this increased volume doesn't look or feel too unwieldy. 

evoshield_proSRZ_black.jpg.aa2857f67298151c41ed86bdaba5f959.jpg   evoshield_proSRZ_charcoal.jpg.2494f1816bf882b7eb0d7393aa2f8be6.jpg   evoshield_proSRZ_worn.jpg.4b73707912bd547e33b0ae897a0fc07f.jpg

The HSM is available in Black, Charcoal... and even Navy (for you poor guys still stuck in Fed-o-philic states!) 

I'm sure that EvoShield logo can come off and be replaced by your favorite association's emblem. Or leave it! It sure looks a lot less garish than a big yellow W!


@MadMax Did you buy it? If so, was it less than the crazy high $289 price that I see all over?  Also, did you simulate any hits? How did the airbags work?



He's is at Dick's Sporting Goods (or the like), so I'm guessing it was the high price.  Do they have any other kind? :fuel:

Personally, I still don't like it, but I see the value of a HSM at some levels and on some fields. 

If I were to wear a HSM, I think I would still go F3, but that's just me.

I will say that I think I'd prefer a HSM over the skully.  I just can't get used to the looks of the skully.  It just looks too much like a fancy horse rider's hat in my mind. "I say Charles, old boy, excellent jump over that last hedge!"

  • Haha 1

Ohhhh yeah, @Rock Bottom that $289 price point is quite the boulder of a pill to swallow. Granted, the inclusion of alpha technology in WindPact is the major contributor to that cost, but when you factor in that the cage is solid steel wire, and not titanium, aluminum, or even hollow steel, you feel taken advantage of. That's the boat anchor that accompanies any product of The Big Yellow W's family. 

"We charge this much because we have to maintain profit margins for our international corporate overlords!" 

If you're an umpire with a large head, I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't put this Pro-SRZ forth as an option. There aren't that many options for you since Wilson killed off the Shock-FX in order to make their HSM more appealing and accommodating to catchers. Again, we (umpires) are not catchers. And, supposedly, Wilson purports itself to be the exclusive supplier for Major League Baseball Umpires. 

Their elimination of the Shock FX and their inability to produce a HSM (which a particular MLBU advisor loved to exert influence with) in a size greater than 7-5/8" demonstrates that Wilson doesn't think about us (umpires). It's a form of size discrimination! 

3 hours ago, wolfe_man said:

It just looks too much like a fancy horse rider's hat in my mind. "I say Charles, old boy, excellent jump over that last hedge!"

You're so posh! 

A Skuly is on my list of eventual additions for two chief reasons: 

  1. To demonstrate to other umpires far-aflung-of-field (ya like that, ya gentry?) that there are other and better options than your kid's HSM to use on those fields that have a close, or overhead, backstop... or there's this concern that a flung bat is going to hit an umpire in the head.
  2. To use on certain college games where the mandated hat is an 8-stitch and/or is problematic to use with a TM and/or has a 4-stitch version that still costs... an unreasonable amount ... just to have a second "plate hat". 


If you're in a position of influence on an association or league (such as @Donny7), fer cryin' out loud, offer a hat or produce them all in 6-stitch!!

3 minutes ago, MadMax said:

You're so posh! 


I'm really not, just having a bit of fun there.  I'm blue-collar all the way. I work for a living and everything!

The Skully just seems too posh in it's appearance.  I may get one, but not sure yet.  It'll either come down to the Skully or the Unequal Uncap.  Both are $60 so it's the same either way, but I can wear the Uncap in the field too.  But then, there's the sizing up (meaning new hat purchase) side effect with it.

To your other point, yes - hat costs start adding up when you have to do both plate (4 stitch) & base (6-8 stitch) hats each year for more than two organizations.

3 hours ago, wolfe_man said:


I'm really not, just having a bit of fun there.  I'm blue-collar all the way. I work for a living and everything!

The Skully just seems too posh in it's appearance.  I may get one, but not sure yet.  It'll either come down to the Skully or the Unequal Uncap.  Both are $60 so it's the same either way, but I can wear the Uncap in the field too.  But then, there's the sizing up (meaning new hat purchase) side effect with it.

To your other point, yes - hat costs start adding up when you have to do both plate (4 stitch) & base (6-8 stitch) hats each year for more than two organizations.

Wolfeman, you might know this already, but you don't always need to upsize with the Uncap.  I've worn one for about 250 plates over the last two years, and I didn't have to change hat sizes.  It is a little snug, but I like that for the plate hat.  Others have had to upsize though of course.  

  • Thanks 2

I'm not sure why they didn't extend the cage over the forehead, as that's always been the weak spot of all HSM's. Wilson did it as a one off, and F3 finally included it. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 3/4/2021 at 11:27 PM, kylejt said:

I'm not sure why they didn't extend the cage over the forehead, as that's always been the weak spot of all HSM's.

Extend a cage up there, it’s going to get bent. It gets bent, it becomes a customer service issue, often needing replacement. Don’t replace it, get firebombed on social media. 


I just picked up a 1st generation F3 bucket from the Goodwill, and it weighs a TON! Plus, it doesn't fit the shape of my noggin, so the weight doesn't get distributed around. Oh well. 

  • Sad 1
  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/28/2021 at 1:52 PM, kylejt said:

I just picked up a 1st generation F3 bucket

Those Defender HSM V1s are not good platforms to really show what Force3 is about. If I had been advising JK on its development, I would have been speaking against it; however, I know and acknowledge why they produced it. 

They needed a Proof of Concept, or a working model. If they had only produced the Defender TM, they would have been ignoring a substantial (greater than 60%) portion of the market who must – not choose to – use a HSM to participate. Further complicating this is the unique way NOCSAE certifies a model line – it’s basically one shot. In order to have the best chance of passing certification in the least amount of development time, Force3 had to use an existing, certified HSM shell planform and then “bolt on” and “shoehorn in” their shock-absorbing hardware. For this reason, the shell doesn’t quite fit “right”, especially when offset by the weighty hardware. 

While I admire Force3 for producing the Defender line of masks – both TM and HSM – I don’t think it’s an effective use of resources to produce a HSM for youth baseball (I’m talking younger than 13-14 years old). Why? Because these youth amateurs are not only still developing their neck and torso muscles, but they’re also still told to hurl or eject off the mask a split second after it leaves their view, whether it is struck by the bat or not. Pro-level catcher’s know this, and collegiate catchers are taught this – you leave the HSM on unless absolutely necessary. 

Now, how does this apply to umpires? 

Unfortunately, in the amateur world, we are expected to take masks off so as to convince, or sell to the participants that we properly and unobstructed-ly viewed and judged an action or play. Not only are most HSMs designed for catchers (who will be throwing with them on, and will be dropping / tucking their chin to block baseballs), but are intended to be left on as much as possible, as I noted. So why are some of us so adamant that existing HSMs are the better option? 

More to the point, why aren’t we using this interest, effort and energy to produce a solution for umpires???

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