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I saw this site mentioned on officiating.com as a more active forum for baseball, so I decided to register in hopes it can be a useful resource.

At present, I recently finished my eighth year officiating basketball and -- if COVID-19 doesn't totally wipe out Spring HS sports this year -- I'll be doing my fourth year of softball and second year of baseball.

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Welcome!! Same story here one local school district has suspended all sports, I'm sure the others will follow suit.

Lots of good information on here, big emphasis on conducting information searches before blindly asking a question though.

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On 3/14/2020 at 12:07 AM, StatsUmp said:

I saw this site mentioned on officiating.com as a more active forum for baseball, so I decided to register in hopes it can be a useful resource.

At present, I recently finished my eighth year officiating basketball and -- if COVID-19 doesn't totally wipe out Spring HS sports this year -- I'll be doing my fourth year of softball and second year of baseball.

Welcome.  But dude, your timing is BRUTAL.

Private schools in Texas went down Friday, and they're out through 12 April, and then publics went down that evening, until at least 29 March.  And we were already about two weeks into it. 

Hope you find the site useful!

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