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1st Amendment

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Alive and well, thank you very much!


Like it or not, not everyone cares if people are offended. My 1st amendment right guarantees me the freedom to say what I feel, regardless if it hurts your feelings or makes you angry. If you don't like it, I DON'T CARE!!!!!

HAHA!!! K.O.F.A.

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I agree, whether you support gay marriage or not, both sides have the right to voice their opinion. Where I draw the line on freedom of speech is when groups like the church that keep protesting service personnel funerals. That is just bad taste and inexcusable. I don't care how much you disagree with the war, let the family have their day of mourning. As far as a business not opening on Sundays or the CEO saying he thinks gay marriage is wrong, that is completely his right. The customers reserve the right to spend their money there or not.

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To hell with this company and family.

see? Freedom of speech in action. You can say any dumbass thing you want. We obviously have differing opinions...... such is life. I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
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Why would his employees be in danger? He has taken a stance of personal conviction. There are many that oppose it but absolutely no reason for violence. If there is then they are dead wrong and stepping on others rights. It is no different than when an anti abortion group protests a clinic. That is their right, but once they start destroying property or attacking employees, then they are wrong. As most know I work in the entertainment business. As such I do lighting and rigging for circuses and rodeos. We get animal rights picketers, perfectly legal as long as they follow the laws. We had a group release the corral one night, releasing bulls, horses, calves and steers. This is illegal and they are overstepping their right to protest.

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Why would his employees be in danger? He has taken a stance of personal conviction. There are many that oppose it but absolutely no reason for violence. If there is then they are dead wrong and stepping on others rights. It is no different than when an anti abortion group protests a clinic. That is their right, but once they start destroying property or attacking employees, then they are wrong. As most know I work in the entertainment business. As such I do lighting and rigging for circuses and rodeos. We get animal rights picketers, perfectly legal as long as they follow the laws. We had a group release the corral one night, releasing bulls, horses, calves and steers. This is illegal and they are overstepping their right to protest.

I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm just saying I hope nothing stupid happens. When is there ever any reason for violence in struggles such as this? You used abortion demonstrators as an example. Well think about some of the things that have happened on that front over the years and that should answer your question. I hope I am wrong.

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Look at the difference in the parties involved.

Abortion = overzealous, fanatical, willing to blow clinics up and murder

Chic-Fil-A = willing to financially support someone they agree with

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I was very happy to bring my 13 year old son to CFA yesterday for a late lunch! We arrived there at 1:30 PM and the line was incredible. 30 minute wait with happy like minded people is easy! It was more like a party, really. I also found out I am a huge fan of their Spicy Chicken sandwich with Pepper Jack Cheese. Even the Wendy's near me had a sign up stating that they support CFA. Wow.

The First Amendment clearly states that religious freedom and speech can not be regulated by government, yet the Mayors of Boston, Chicago, Washington DC and Philly forgot about the oath they took to uphold and defend the constitution of the State and United States. The left wing of the country made this a Gay issue and attemped to start a boycott, but people reacted with a BUYcott and voted with their wallets giving CFA their largest sales day in history. It was never a gay issue, it was a First Amendment issue.(McDonalds and Burger King Marketing folks are watching this, believe me.)

November can't come soon enough for me.

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I tend to pick and choose where I make political comments but I will say this. Cathy is entitled to his opinion and to run his company as he sees fit, customers are also entitled to organize boycotts as they see fit. This is is the power of the market.

What I find abhorrent are the local governments decreeing they will block or attempt to block the construction of new Chick-Fil-As in their cities. That is governmental bullying for not toeing a particular line in the worst way.

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Well said Welpe, I doubt my political views are hard to figure out but I too try to keep politics out of the boards. You have very concisely stated my view. It matters not which side you are on, everyone has the right to support or not support that business. However, the mayors need to shut up, that is not their place to block a business due a political view.

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Well said Welpe, I doubt my political views are hard top figure out but I too try to keep politics out of the boards. You have very concisely stated my view. It matters not which side you are on, everyone has the right to support or not support that business. However, the mayors need to shut up, that is not their place to block a business due a political view.

It is also quite illegal for them to single out a business to block.

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I was very happy to bring my 13 year old son to CFA yesterday for a late lunch! We arrived there at 1:30 PM and the line was incredible. 30 minute wait with happy like minded people is easy! It was more like a party, really. I also found out I am a huge fan of their Spicy Chicken sandwich with Pepper Jack Cheese. Even the Wendy's near me had a sign up stating that they support CFA. Wow.

The First Amendment clearly states that religious freedom and speech can not be regulated by government, yet the Mayors of Boston, Chicago, Washington DC and Philly forgot about the oath they took to uphold and defend the constitution of the State and United States. The left wing of the country made this a Gay issue and attemped to start a boycott, but people reacted with a BUYcott and voted with their wallets giving CFA their largest sales day in history. It was never a gay issue, it was a First Amendment issue.(McDonalds and Burger King Marketing folks are watching this, believe me.)

November can't come soon enough for me.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

It never was a "gay" issue. They made it one, not Cathy. Everyone is so affraid of offending gays that to even. Say the word is taboo. Retarded. I don't give a rat' ass if some dude wants to putt from the rough. It's unimaginable to me, but each his own. I don't want someone telling me what I can or can't say. Don't like it, don't listen. Argue. Say your peace. But don't expect me to care about your feelings when you don't care about my freedom. Give me all the warning points you want. I'm sick to death of having to choose my words so as not to hurt Adam and Steve's feelings. Wanna be gay? Be gay. I don't care what you put in your orifices. Has no bearing on my life. I won't go to Disney because they support. I will make it a point to eat CFA because they don't. :rantoff:

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The issue most people, such as myself, have with Mr Cathy is not with what he said. He has every right to believe what he wants and I believe that the mayors of the cities are wrong to ban CFA based on his views. What has some people upset is the fact he not only spends his money trying to take away the constitutional rights of tax paying Americans, but he gives money to the group behind the "Kill the Gays" bills in Africa. A few months of months ago the roles were reversed when JC Penny hired Ellen Degeneres, a popular talk show host who happens to be gay. The people on the right did the same thing the gay rights supporters are doing, yet there wasn't a thread here on this UMPIRING forum supporting JC Penny's right to do buisness they way they please. I have been an umpire for 6 years. During these 6 years, I've had to hide in the closet to make sure no coaches, players, parents, or worse other umpires found out that I was gay. For a lot of them this would have given them more ammo to use on the field. What they and most people need to realize is that gay or straight, sexual orientation has no place on the field. Trout, Just as you have the right not to patrinize places that support gay rights, I have the right to not patrinze places that oppose gay rights. Though if you are truly serious about not giving support to companies that support gay rights, I'll miss you around here, you bring a lot of knowlege about umpiring to these boards, but both Apple and Mircosoft strongly support gay rights, not to mention, Alan Turning, the father of modern computing was a gay man. So by using your computer to post here, using either a Windows or a MAC, you are supporting companies that support gay rights. I know that I won't change your mind regarding this issue, but a few closing questions for you to ponder on your drive to your next game: What if your Child, Nephew, or Brother came to you and said they were gay? Would you want them to have the same rights to be happy that you have? Or would you disown them like so many before you? Or perhaps you'd send them to shock theropy despite science's proof that it doesn't work? What would you do?

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I almost never put my political feelings out in the general public, online or in person. However, I am a supporter of gay rights, and have even written a letter to the Boy Scouts of America - as I am an Eagle Scout and do not agree with their views either. I know many people who are of LGBT persuasion. That said, I am even more opposed to government blocking or attempting to block any business on EITHER side of that argument. It is not the government's right. I will still shop at CFA - if you make a good product, that is mostly all I will care about. (If you are actually oppressing, harming, disparaging, etc, that is different. This is none of those.)

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The issue most people, such as myself, have with Mr Cathy is not with what he said. He has every right to believe what he wants and I believe that the mayors of the cities are wrong to ban CFA based on his views. What has some people upset is the fact he not only spends his money trying to take away the constitutional rights of tax paying Americans, but he gives money to the group behind the "Kill the Gays" bills in Africa. A few months of months ago the roles were reversed when JC Penny hired Ellen Degeneres, a popular talk show host who happens to be gay. The people on the right did the same thing the gay rights supporters are doing, yet there wasn't a thread here on this UMPIRING forum supporting JC Penny's right to do buisness they way they please. I have been an umpire for 6 years. During these 6 years, I've had to hide in the closet to make sure no coaches, players, parents, or worse other umpires found out that I was gay. For a lot of them this would have given them more ammo to use on the field. What they and most people need to realize is that gay or straight, sexual orientation has no place on the field. Trout, Just as you have the right not to patrinize places that support gay rights, I have the right to not patrinze places that oppose gay rights. Though if you are truly serious about not giving support to companies that support gay rights, I'll miss you around here, you bring a lot of knowlege about umpiring to these boards, but both Apple and Mircosoft strongly support gay rights, not to mention, Alan Turning, the father of modern computing was a gay man. So by using your computer to post here, using either a Windows or a MAC, you are supporting companies that support gay rights. I know that I won't change your mind regarding this issue, but a few closing questions for you to ponder on your drive to your next game: What if your Child, Nephew, or Brother came to you and said they were gay? Would you want them to have the same rights to be happy that you have? Or would you disown them like so many before you? Or perhaps you'd send them to shock theropy despite science's proof that it doesn't work? What would you do?

I hope I never find out. Life is hard enough without having to deal with these things as well. I'm sure I know people who are gay. I really couldn't tell you. It's not a gay issue. People turned it into that. When I say I don't care what YOU do, I mean it. I choose not to go places where people run their business up a flagpole and announce to the world. Why is it necessary to stand on the mountaintop and shout to the world? Just do what you do. I've never carried a sign or marched in a parade about being straight. I just don't get it.
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I almost never put my political feelings out in the general public, online or in person. However, I am a supporter of gay rights, and have even written a letter to the Boy Scouts of America - as I am an Eagle Scout and do not agree with their views either. I know many people who are of LGBT persuasion. That said, I am even more opposed to government blocking or attempting to block any business on EITHER side of that argument. It is not the government's right. I will still shop at CFA - if you make a good product, that is mostly all I will care about. (If you are actually oppressing, harming, disparaging, etc, that is different. This is none of those.)

government involving itself like this is tyranny. Government has no "rights" beyond what we give it. The whole gay thing has gotten completely blown out of proportion. To me, it's a non-issue. I just hate the state of affairs when I have to tread lightly so as not to hurt hyper-sensitive feelings. I got a warning point for using the word gay in place of dumb, weird, etc. I didn't call anyone gay or say being gay was wrong. I got a warning point for using a word outside it's polotically correct use. If I had said "retarded" I doubt anyone would have even noticed. But "mentally challenged" people would take issue with it. Everyone has issues and I'm sick of it.
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This is probably a subject we need to discontinue because it will tend to get ugly. I have very many friends that are gay, male and female. I don't have a problem with that, I have a problem with radical, in your face, jerks that insist on making it an issue. Most of my gay friends agree with me on that fact. Usually an extremist on any issue is a problem.

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Personally, I feel the topic inappropriate for this board and believe it should have been locked down or deleted as soon as it appeared, because it violates the terms of participation in the board, which all of us have agreed to.

And it has absolutely nothing to do with the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

(Warren ain't Congress. He's just a good guy who likes to umpire and started and runs the most "congenial" umpire forum available on the internet.)

Which is not to say it's not a subject worthy of discussion. I believe it is. Just not here.

Take it outside, boys.


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