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Cavalier1948 last won the day on October 23 2023

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  1. I’ve been working on something for a while. I have a 1/2” thick prototype that I have worn all season, at the high school, and college levels, taking numerous hits just fine. It is very lightweight and breathable on hot days, differing greatly (in my opinion) from the Team Wendy padding, of which I own 3 chest protectors. My pads will be compatible with the Riddell Power and West Vest Gold, with the West Vest Platinum to follow. I am working on 100 units right now. I’ll update with pictures soon.
  2. What do you guys use for shoulder gap protection on your rigs? I used the ones from my WV Gold on one chest protector, but would like some other ideas
  3. Is this still available?
  4. I have 6
  5. Selling one of my Nike’s. $325 Includes frame and original Nike Harness
  6. I appreciate the offer. At the moment I’m still trying to trade. I’ll update the listing if I decide to sell it.
  7. Well that’s a Frankenstein if I’ve ever seen one. Sweet rig
  8. I’ve got a buddy trying a ChamPower. Be sure to post it if you get it worked out!
  9. Dang that’s wild. Do you remember where you saw it?
  10. We’ve got a thread for cool masks, but not for CP. Post away with your customized, rare, or just favorite CP that you wear, as well as what was done to it
  11. I believe they only came in one size for the platinum models. I’m away from my gear and can’t measure right now
  12. Very cool. Thanks for sharing
  13. I have at TW retrofit Platinum in great condition that I want to trade for a TW Gold. (Harness not included)
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