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My organization requires all black shoes but I have the new balance with the white N. What's the best way to cover it? Some people have said to use markers but I don't want them to look like SH*#. Is there anything else or does marker work?

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I used black liquid kiwi. Several coats and it worked fine. kind of comes off but frequent touching up. I just bought some "Shape Up Instant Black Military Spit Shine" at the recommendation of my good friend Cuban to black out the massive white on my reeboks. I haven't pulled the trigger on that application yet though. I also plan to use it to black out the huge yellow W on my Wilson West Vest Gold.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do. I may have used a sharpie on the NB 450's I blacked out and then applied several coats of the Kiwi liquid black.

By the way, I am now using the liquid Kiwi on my Reeboks and scrubbing any I get onto the white stripes with a toothbrush and some scrubbing bubbles then when dry I spray Aquanet hair spray on them and they look fantastic. I clean the whole shoe with scrubbing bubbles and a damp brush then re apply the kiwi and hairspray about every other wearing, unless muddy, and I couldn't be happier.

Again, good luck.

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I used to use Shape Up when I wore Honigs plate shoes about 10 years ago. I really liked it as it gave it a great shine. And if you are looking for something that will black out a pair of shoes this will definitely do it. Only problem is that it can go on really thick if you arent careful and I couldnt figure out how to get old polish off before putting a new application on. The result was a caked on look that just didnt look good.

I went to the Gerry Davis patent leather plate shoes after that so no shining was needed. Now I have the NB450s and use the scrubbing bubbles and aquanet hair spray to shine my shoes.

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Use black nail polish. I like Sally Hanson Hard As Nails:


It works much better than shoe polish or permanent markers, because it stays on. Nail polish comes with its own brush.

I have two pairs of NB 450s, of which one has blacked-out N logos. I tried everything, including shoe polish and shoe dye and Sharpies and model car paint, and the nail polish is the only permanent solution that has worked.

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Use black nail polish. I like Sally Hanson Hard As Nails:


It works much better than shoe polish or permanent markers, because it stays on. Nail polish comes with its own brush.

I have two pairs of NB 450s, of which one has blacked-out N logos. I tried everything, including shoe polish and shoe dye and Sharpies and model car paint, and the nail polish is the only permanent solution that has worked.

Added benefit is that now your shoes match your nails. Very fashionable .!

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I have a guy that I use...looks like he could kick the bucket any day now...him and his wife work together in the shop. When you open the door it has the old fashioned bell that rings to alert them someone is there....well you have to step behind the counter to get their attention :wave: . There is one "young" guy doing some of that work in our area...don't like him..,slow, expensive and not real friendly. It truly is a dying art...

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All this talk of cobblers got me to bring my Reebok plate shoes to a local guy today to get some stitching repaired. He had the bell attached to the door and there were thousands of shoes in the small shop. There was a small rack that said "For Sale for repair cost" which served as a reminder that I should not forget to pick them up next week.

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Tell your association to let go of a dumb rule and pay you for the black coloring you have to use. Amazes me why certain things matter to certain associations.

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