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eagle_12 last won the day on August 30 2021

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  1. I have, Niagara University PURPLE Eagles. Took me by surprise at the plate meeting. Still have it too, not because of the purple ink. I use the G2, red ink switching into a black or navy outside. Just like that look better over the red pen. It will smudge in the rain though.
  2. For rain, maybe look for a gore-Tex trail runner. Adidas has had some off and on that are all black. nike- https://www.nike.com/t/pegasus-trail-4-gore-tex-mens-waterproof-trail-running-shoes-qdcSR6/DJ7926-001
  3. EBags is great, especially if it in/out, dragging into locker rooms. Wish it was slightly bigger when it’s colder out so everything is packed in one bag. another one I saw someone use a couple years ago, was the OGIO Sled, which I think now is the rig9800. It looked like there was tons of room. Not sure it it’s the split compartment design like pretty much all the others that are typically used. https://www.ogio.com/travel/rig-9800-travel-bag/spr4705202.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwrfymBhCTARIsADXTabmaFqTVN14K-YBw2Ku6FYzGRZiNZDNifhdGQ3FB5xE55p89ncYebaAaAhnwEALw_wcB
  4. And Ortiz is MLB full time, 2022 hire
  5. Didn’t see the game, but saw a picture and thread on Facebook. Appeared to be the down indicators that football officials use. Maybe keeping count with it, maybe it was for resets/throw overs https://www.ump-attire.com/Products/ACS-508-BK/Smitty-Black-Velcro-Referee-Down-Indicator
  6. There is a company that that will put a turf bottom on shoes to provide traction. Looks basically like a turf sole super glued over the existing bottom. I’d imagine that’s the route many went. They can Also turn shoes into cleats. https://www.customcleats.com
  7. Possibly these? https://www.nike.com/t/giannis-immortality-basketball-shoes-p9QlJF/CZ4099-010
  8. Could be good but I don’t seen “aggressive” treads on the sole that are usually present. Could be the black on black color way that doesn’t show it.
  9. Honigs bags. Left: main pocket-balls, prefer 2 in it to start game, replace the right bag from it. “Front” pocket- sewn to a shorter depth, indicator goes in there when I’m not using (between innings, 2 strikes on batter). Back pocket- car keys Right: main- balls, prefer 3 to start. Hand to catcher from right bag. Fill from left. “Front” pocket- cough drops, chap stick, eye drop. “Back” pocket- extra indicator, in case my main one breaks Brush goes in left back pants pocket (has a button closure notepad/line ups go in shirt pocket
  10. Very nice!!! I found the Jordan 11 Barons (low top style) in good shape. Picked them right up.
  11. These Bananas vs. Party Animal games are akin to the Harlem Globetotters game or WWE. It’s a show or event, not a game. Don’t know all the details but there is a game clock, this bat trick type deal, the batter going into the splits. Heck the umpire is the same each game, and he’s got social media as the dancing umpire. When the summer rolls around they have a college summer team in the CL, and that the entertainment continues on, just at a smaller level.
  12. So the diamond has a “pocket” for the cup and it’s not “trapped” between a layer and a traditional jock, a la the nutty buddy system? The diamond has intrigued me and I’ve stayed away from NB because it’s not secured. I know they, and everyone else says it doesn’t move when worn right, I just know my luck.
  13. Straight from MiLb:https://www.milb.com/about/umpires The first step to pursuing a career as a professional umpire is to attend a professional umpire training school. These schools traditionally run for a period of four-five weeks during January and February each year. At the end of the training, the schools recommend their top graduates to the Minor League Baseball Umpire Development staff. Minor League Baseball Umpire Development then extends a formal invitation to participate and compete at the Minor League Baseball Advanced Course to those graduates who meet the requirements and criteria. Graduation from one of these schools does not guarantee an invitation to the Advanced Course or a job in Minor League Baseball However, if you are looking to move up in amateur baseball there are plenty of camps/clinics/tryouts in anyones local area. Individual regions will have youth ball, HS, college level camps. These will make you a batter umpire, but these are not routes into MiLB.
  14. I wear and have worn a version of Nike air max runner for probably last 10 years. Love them. I search eBay constantly looking for more Newer styles only seem to have the heel bladder, some don’t look as appropriate as I’d like Most recent pickup however are these, good shape, cleaned up nicely Jordan 11’s Barons
  15. most situations it on-field crew looks at a monitor field-side The SEC on conference weekends, in years past and don’t see why they would change it, has an IR crew that the on-field calls into. Same type of situation as MLB, that’s their weekend series. Not sure if ACC has done that yet. Them or Big 12 would probably be next group to do similar. When NCAA regionals/supers start there has been a centralized IR, I thought in Pittsburgh, but not sure how that gets staffed, maybe the named alternates. CWS is manned by another of the CWS umpires that is not on-field that game. There may be others with input, Hiler now Billy Haze.
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