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    Medical Logistics Dispatcher
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    HS, AAU, Adult Lges
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  1. If your team is attending Cooperstown Dream Park in 2023 and going there week 10, July 21 – July 27; I’d like to represent your team as its sponsored umpire for the week! Fully vaxed for what it's worth as well! I have attended CDP yearly since 2001; I am within driving distance so I do not have any flight costs, and can hopefully work out a sponsorship fee within your team’s budget! If my one week availability does not match yours, I may still be able to help you! I have many umpire friends that attend CDP throughout the year that I know would be glad to work with you as well as I would! I can be reached at the email address listed below! Thank you for your consideration! Scuzzy.Feller@comcast.net
  2. If your team is attending Cooperstown Dream Park in 2022 and going there week 10, July 22 – July 27; I’d like to represent your team as its sponsored umpire for the week! Fully vaxed for what it's worth as well! I have attended CDP yearly since 2001; I am within driving distance so I do not have any flight costs, and can hopefully work out a sponsorship fee within your team’s budget! If my one week availability does not match yours, I may still be able to help you! I have many umpire friends that attend CDP throughout the year that I know would be glad to work with you as well as I would! I can be reached at the email address listed below! Thank you for your consideration! Scuzzy.Feller@comcast.net
  3. If your team is attending Cooperstown Dream Park in 2021 and going there week 9, July 31 – Aug 6; I'd like to represent your team as its sponsored umpire for the week! I have attended CDP yearly since 2001; I am within driving distance so I do not have any flight costs, and can hopefully work out a sponsorship fee within your team’s budget! If my one week availability does not match yours, I may still be able to help you! I have many umpire friends that attend CDP throughout the year that I know would be glad to work with you as well as I would! I can be reached at the email address listed below! Thank you for your consideration! Scuzzy.Feller@comcast.net
  4. 2 thumbs up to all... Scuzz
  5. I have this mask as part of my rotation...and normally will use it if the weather is risky of being WET... Lightweight and takes a pretty good shot...spins right off when adjusted right... I rotate with my All Star HSM and a Force 3 v2... Respects!
  6. Shouldn't that be...say...the "Peach Palace"....??? Just sayin... Annie will be there with us week 4....I'll run that by her too... Scuzz
  7. Touche` Scuzz
  8. Week 4 with about 15 or so of my nearest and dearest umpire family.... Scuzz
  9. Jax....you've seen my weekly "Traveling Umpire Show" FB posts....I swear by it for the past 2 + seasons anyway.... BLESSED ARE THOSE..... Scuzz
  10. Great value here... https://www.ump-attire.com/Baseball-Umpire-Equipment/Gear-Footwear/Shin-Guards/A3417-CHA_Wilson-Pro-Platinum-Umpire-Shin-Guards?id=506 Scuzz
  11. Any issue I may have had with All Star has been worked out satisfactorily... They've helped me with out of warranty issues...even an out of state umpire friend...in their area for a family function...walking in with his broken HSM...and they replaced it on the spot... Just because "we are" in MASS...heck...we don't talk funny....everybody else does... Best to all... Scuzz
  12. Dangling throat guard will be fine...don't go with the "goalie collar"...others have told me it may hinder the on/off off the mask the way we use it as umpires... Scuzz
  13. Too bad it was a glass eye...[insert "rim shot" here...] Jax...Thanks for the link to his obit...which I will share here... http://obits.syracuse.com/obituaries/syracuse/obituary.aspx?n=ronnie-c-cook&pid=170898580&fhid=11696 Scuzz
  14. To those who have been to CDP the past 2 seasons with Ron as U.I.C: Ronnie passed away this morning! R.I.P our friend! Scuzz
  15. I've used these the past several seasons... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Player-Smoke-Anti-Fog-Lens-Safety-Glasses-Sunglasses-Z87-1-/290926315028?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43bc8f4614 these are NICE for night games/major OVERcast days as well... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Player-Yellow-HD-Night-Driving-Anti-Fog-Lens-Safety-Glasses-Sunglasses-Z87-/291091435665?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43c666d091 buy more than one pair...pay for shipping ONCE... Scuzz
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