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goldsmi last won the day on August 20 2023

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  1. Had my right hip done on 8/15. Almost a week now, moving around with a walker/cane, getting better every day. Pain is gone, range of motion is already much improved. Best of luck to you! After it's done, you'll wonder why you waited so long!
  2. Max, I thought of trying that but you would lose the cooling packs in the back. The extra weight is really not noticeable.
  3. Looks good under the WV. Glad it worked out for you. I'm on the plate Saturday and Sunday for Adult league 9 inning games. Will report back how long the cooling lasts 'under fire'.
  4. will take about 1/2 hour in the freezer
  5. more - Gave it to buddy to wear at a 7on7 tourney on a turf field. Big thumbs up. About 120 degrees on the field. Vest lasted almost 3 hours. He was the only one that wasn't gassed!
  6. Tried this out last Wednesday. Air temp at game time was 93, blacktop in the parking lot was 121 (non-contact IR thermometer) Fits fine and is not noticeable under a hard shell thin padding CP like the Schutt. Don't know how it would play with a WV or Unequal. Field temp was 96 on the dirt, 86 on the grass. Skin temp about 91. Temp in the vest area was 10-15 cooler, hard to get a good reading. Wore it for 1 1/2 hours and it was still working, but humidity was so high that the vest got soaked and started to shift around. Best price was Zoro.com ~$120 free ship Opinions so far +Seems to be worthwhile, performs as advertised + keeps the core temp down + does not restrict movement behind the plate - fairly heavy, about 6 pounds - Probably requires a thin shell CP to avoid bulky look Will put it to use again this weekend Stay tuned.
  7. Dowco helmet bag. Perfect fit. http://www.ebay.com/itm/DOWCO-HELMET-BAG-BLACK-DOWCO-59001-00-/381635135706?hash=item58db3a08da:g:JlMAAOSwr0ZXNlH-&vxp=mtr
  8. Nice job Max! Just completed a second rework. I needed additional strap length on all four corners. Wound up deconstructing the DeltaFlex and sewing on new webbing and elastic. Hand sewing was not difficult. Heavy duty nylon thread and a #18 tapestry needle did the job. Plastic D-rings, webbing and elastic are readily available on eBay for a few $$
  9. Just finished 9 innings (10 actually) in 90+ degree heat with the modified Schutt. It was comfortable and never shifted or slid out of position. A worthwhile modification for those who are interested.
  10. Got it! You will certainly have to lengthen the upper straps on the Deltaflex. They just reach the top of the yoke.
  11. The harnesses look the same to me. In either case, the problem is trying to make the Deltaflex adjustable up and down.
  12. Here's what I did. This, of course, is the original configuration: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rCdxqeJiYFaVpZTkVRRVNMNHM/view?usp=sharing This is how it fit - note the collarbone area: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rCdxqeJiYFclZSUy1JendVSGs/view?usp=sharing The Deltaflex will not be adjustable up-and-down so this position is critical: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rCdxqeJiYFSG90TU5ST1FzSVk/view?usp=sharing I used binder clips to hold the Deltaflex in place while getting the proper fit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rCdxqeJiYFT1RiRmlEQVFuTm8/view?usp=sharing Point of no return - remove original harness here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rCdxqeJiYFbG85emw3eHI3aWs/view?usp=sharing I used Gorilla glue to tack the Deltaflex in place: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rCdxqeJiYFM3ZQN1lJZ00yYlU/view?usp=sharing Swapped the Deltaflex plastic bits for Schutt metal ones. Could be stitched in place, I chose to use a combination of rivets and Gorilla glue to secure the Deltaflex: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rCdxqeJiYFcncwTVFGZXNIRm8/view?usp=sharing All Done: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rCdxqeJiYFaEI0eWoxc0JWTE0/view?usp=sharing Here is the fit - again . note the collarbone area: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-rCdxqeJiYFY3RERmZaU3VmZ3c/view?usp=sharing
  13. would never think of disappearing
  14. It actually proves my point. The improper batter becomes the proper batter once a pitch is delivered and the batting order proceeds from that point.
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