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Started Out a Bad Day

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I had a 4 PM LL Big League game.

Base partner asked me if I could pick him up on the way to the game.  No Problem.

I leave my driveway at 2:45 to pick him up at 3:15.

He lives 10 minutes from the field.

First, there is a Railroad crossing I always have to content with when getting to the Freeway.

As I approach it, Gates come down and a long Freight Train goes by.

Just as it is passed, another one comes from the other direction.

Ok there goes 10 minutes.

After getting across the tracks and onto the freeway, I hear a news report that there had been a Fatal Accident on the Freeway and the traffic is backed up.  The accident is like 10 miles in front of me and I have 4 miles till the exit for the other freeway to go. :wacko:

At 3:20 I call my partner and tell him I am stuck in traffic and not going to pick him up and may be late to the game.

There is also no other way for me to get around the traffic is this area.

He says he will drive up and let the teams know what happened and we will just start when I get there.

I finally arrive in the parking lot of the field at 3:58.

I get all my plate gear on quickly, walk onto the field.

Partner already took care of pregame stuff with Managers.

I am handed game balls  and get behind the plate, PLAY.

First batter walks after a 3-2 count.

Second batters swings at a 3rd K in the dirt which gets between the F2s leg and finds my Right Hand.


I am cursing under my breath.

We get restarted and I am given a ice pack from the snack bar, so I can ice it between innings.

It is throbbing after the next half inning and I ask some of the Moms sitting there for some Tylenol, Motrin or anything they may have.

I am given two Motrin and we keep going.

My right hand swelling and hurting, I stop using it to make any strike calls or to indicate the count.

I use my left hand only.

I also placed all the extra baseballs in my left ball bag and handed them to F2s when needed as I wasn't able to throw or pull them out with my right hand.

A couple of good things happened after that.

The 7 inning game only took 1 hour 40 minutes to play.

Was a quick drive to Urgent Care.

Got a Xray and there is nothing broken in my hand. :HD:


It is still swollen and pretty sore this morning.

Had the 2 PM plate today, but now I will work bases instead.

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