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Everything posted by kstrunk

  1. Thanks. I sure will. Proverbs 15:22 says - Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed. I'll take all the counsel I can get, for the glory of God. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks clawdad. I bought the 3N2 plate shoes, and they're pretty comfortable. I'll try the Nike running shoes with the uniform and see what it looks like. If it's terrible I may bite the bullet and buy ump shoes. Thanks again.
  3. Umptalk is great! Love podcasts. Thanks for the tip! May I ask a silly question - Is it unprofessional to wear plate shoes when you're on the bases? I've already dumped a bunch of money into looking the part and having the right stuff, and I'm trying to resist another $80 for base shoes, but I also don't want to shoot myself in the foot for credibility's sake. I also have black running shoes that could work, but not sure. Thanks.
  4. I appreciate all the help guys. This is a tremendous resource. Are there any video helps on this site? I've kind of exhausted the youtube videos that are worth looking at, and looking for more to help with mechanics/timing. Thanks again.
  5. Good stuff. Can I get more on game management? I had an ump as a coach once who bothered me because he was in a hurry, so wouldn't give'time' when needed etc... Is this good game management?
  6. Hey gang, First official year as a little league ump, and I'm fired up! After calling strikes and timing, what should I be working on in order to stay excited and possibly work my way up to high school?
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