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Everything posted by pcon258

  1. well the scenario that i was thinking was a wild pitch that goes over f2's head and f1 needs to come and cover at the plate. if there's a short backstop, theres not really anywhere the batter can go without potentially being in the way. do we just need to judge whether he made an effort to get out of the way?
  2. I know that when stealing any other base (2, 3), the batter is best off just staying in the batter's box and the catcher can just push them out of the way. but if there's a right handed batter and the runner on third is coming home, does he have an obligation to move? Most times it would only hurt his teammate, so itd be fine, but what if he unintentionally stops the catcher from making a tag? Should the batter have moved out of the way?
  3. When I do games behind the plate for younger age groups, there is often a pretty big size differential between the catcher and the batter. if the catcher sets up on the inside part of the plate, it is nearly impossible to see the plate. Have any of you come across a way to see the plate properly in this situation?
  4. Hello folks, my name's Pat, I'm 19 and I've been an umpire for 6 years. I live and work mostly in NJ, but I go to school in Ohio and sometimes do some games out there. I do mostly high school age softball games, and some middle school baseball. I've been reading this site for a couple weeks now, and you've all got some good information. Looking forward to getting some insight from you
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