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Forced runner tagged out for third out well after run scores

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I am a coach and an umpire but in this game I was pretty much just keeping the score book. Yes there were many things wrong in the execution of this play. We have some unpolished players. I just need to know if the run counted.


Bases loaded and 2 outs. 

A fly ball is hit high to left field and r3 takes off for home. He scores easily. R2 is apparently unaware that there's two outs and kind of lingers near second base waiting to see if the ball is caught.

The ball is not caught and now r2 takes off for third base while the left fielder throws the ball to the shortstop. The shortstop gets things back on track and throws to the third baseman who is not at the base but closer to his normal fielding position. He ends up tagging r2 directly, 6 feet from the base.

This play actually took quite some time to unfold because of the High fly ball and then throwing the ball around. So a few folks thought the run counted.

I think if the third out is an out on a forced runner who did not advance to the base they had to get to, no runs count. I don't believe it matters that the third baseman tagged him rather than stepping on third base.


Do I have that right?





8 answers to this question

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8 hours ago, Toggy said:

I think if the third out is an out on a forced runner who did not advance to the base they had to get to, no runs count. I don't believe it matters that the third baseman tagged him rather than stepping on third base.

Correct. A persistent myth is that the only way to record a force out is by tagging a base.

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The great thing about the answer to your question is that it can be found in black and white in the rule book.

OBR rule 5.06(b)(6) tells us about force outs and it says a runner is forced out when

He or the next base is tagged...

NFHS rule 2-24-1 defines a force out:

...a runner who is being forced to advance is tagged out, or is put out by a fielder who holds the ball while touching the base toward which the forced runner is advancing.


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1 hour ago, Toggy said:

Dang I did some searching but I couldn't find that exact passage!

Another way to explain it that might help others to understand is that "force" is a status applied to the runner, not the method in which a runner is put out.

The runner is forced until something happens to remove that status (eg. reach the next base)...if they are put out, in any fashion, while forced, then the two-out run-scoring rules apply.


Tagging the runner can be a force out, and tagging the base is not always a force out.

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1 hour ago, Toggy said:

Dang I did some searching but I couldn't find that exact passage!

Did you thumb through a paper or PDF edition? A search of an electronic PDF for OBR et.al.  (none exist that I know of for NFHS) or the NFHS app using "tagged" would give you a few cites that would make it easy to find the cite. You have to get creative and intuitive with your search term depending on what you are looking for. Off topic, I'll post in High School an irritating change for FED electronic rulebooks.

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I have an NFHS PDF, paper copy and the app. 

I gave it a half-assed search and didn't locate it so I figured I'd post my question. 

Yeah for certain things you have to nail the specific search term. 



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beer guys explanation of "force" being the status of runner really works well...I had a "trainer" last spring in LL clinic getting confused on what constitutes a timing play, he was stuck on the myth of tagging the base for the force.

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