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runner on 3rd tries to steal home while pitcher is taking sign

Guest mbuck
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Guest mbuck

In a state playoff game last night, the following happened:  The RH pitcher is in the pre-set position (sometimes called the stretch) with his right foot on the rubber, left foot a few feet in front of his right foot, taking signs from the catcher.  While in this position, the runner on 3rd takes off to try to steal home.  The pitcher sees this, disengages his right foot from the mound by moving it forward, then throws home once he is disengaged.  It was not called a balk.  Does a pitcher in the pre-set position have to disengage the mound by stepping back off of the mound, or can he step forward, left, or right to disengage?  What are his options while in the pre-set position?

Thank you!

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28 minutes ago, Guest mbuck said:

In a state playoff game last night, the following happened:  The RH pitcher is in the pre-set position (sometimes called the stretch) with his right foot on the rubber, left foot a few feet in front of his right foot, taking signs from the catcher.  While in this position, the runner on 3rd takes off to try to steal home.  The pitcher sees this, disengages his right foot from the mound by moving it forward, then throws home once he is disengaged.  It was not called a balk.  Does a pitcher in the pre-set position have to disengage the mound by stepping back off of the mound, or can he step forward, left, or right to disengage?  What are his options while in the pre-set position?

Thank you!

What you described is a balk.  Once the pitcher is engaged, he can pitch, step and throw to a base, or legally disengage by stepping backwards off the rubber.  The instant he stepped forward with his pivot foot, he has balked.

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2019 NFHS Case Book Play 6.1.1 Situation D:  F1 takes his sign in the (a) windup position or (b) set position. R3 attempts to steal home. F1 steps forward off the pitcher’s plate and throws to F2. RULING:  This is a balk in (a) and (b). COMMENT:  After assuming a windup or set position stance on the plate, the pitcher must step clearly backward off the plate with the pivot foot in order to play on R3 at the plate. (6-1-2, 6-1-3)

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From the Jaksa/Roder rules interpretation manual (2017 edition, pp. 148-149):

If an in-contact pitcher steps toward home, there cannot be a throw—there can only be a pitch or balk (or both)…

Moreover, if a pitcher who is not in-contact (or has disengaged) steps and throws home, there cannot be a pitch (unless there is deceptive imitation of a motion to pitch).

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On 7/24/2019 at 1:25 PM, Guest mbuck said:

 The pitcher sees this, disengages his right foot from the mound by moving it forward, then throws home once he is disengaged.


While the pitcher "broke contact" with the rubber, he did NOT disengage.  That's a specific term, and the requirements were not met.

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Sorry guys but I want to give our brothers umpiring the game the benefit of the doubt. I agree that from the description given us a balk should have been called. However, what really happened? The runner took off and the OP judged that F1 stepped forward with his pivot foot. If this was some type of state championship there very well may have been three experienced umpires on the field with eyes on this. They may have just seen something different than the OP.


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