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foul tip ball

Guest JDSH
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3 answers to this question

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2 minutes ago, Guest JDSH said:

Ball was foul tipped - bounced off of batters foot and caught by pitcher---out? or foul?

Foul.  For it to be a foul tip, it must go sharp and direct from the bat to the catcher's glove or hand and then be legally caught by the catcher.  This ball went sharp and direct to the batter's foot - foul ball.

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I'm not even sure how, in the English language, let alone baseball vernacular, this could be consider a "tip".   The ball was driven forward/sideways with enough force that it bounced off the batter's foot and ricocheted ~60 feet to be caught by the pitcher.

 I wouldn't be worried about whether this was foul or not, I'd be worried about who's going to drive the batter to the hospital.

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In addition to the definition of the term foul tip the actual rules answer the question posed in the original post also. Since our guest did not specify a rule set, here are both the applicable pro and high school rules.

2019 OBR rule 5.09(a)(7) His fair ball touches him before touching a fielder. If the batter is in a legal position in the batter’s box, see Rule 5.04(b)(5), and, in the umpire’s judgment, there was no intention to interfere with the course of the ball, a batted ball that strikes the batter or his bat shall be ruled a foul ball;


ART. 1 . . . A strike is charged to the batter when:

f. a batted ball contacts the batter in the batter’s box (foul ball).


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