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Wilson WV Gold for trade or sale

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First time for everything I guess.

I would like to trade one of my WV Gold L/XL chest protectors for a Douglas. Preferably the older one with the black shell. But the grey one would be fine too.

The CP is about 10 years old. But worn for only 5-7 of them. Still in good shape with a little rust on the rivots and clips. I am looking to make the deal with my backup rig and move my current one to the backup role. I don't have photos right now. But I can get them to you by request as my gear is currently in storage for the winter (and fall and summer this year).

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Umpire-Empire locks topics which have not been active in the last year. The thread you are viewing hasn't been active in 2925 days so you will not be able to post. We do recommend you starting a new topic to find out what's new in the world of umpiring.

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