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I am looking for the Team Wendy Retrofit for the West Vest Platinum CP, anyone interested in selling theirs please let me know! Thanks


I have no clue why anyone would keep their original platinum padding when you get your retrofit platinum back. The difference is amazing. Cut the sternum pad off and I think you have one of most protective and low profile protectors around. I will be amazed if anyone will sell you their retrofit for a platinum. I had both retrofit for gold and platinum. I prefer the platinum because it doesn't have the wings. 

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I have the Gold retrofit.  I took a seam-ripper and took off the wings.  It is AWESOME!  I highly recommend it.


I have the Gold retrofit.  I took a seam-ripper and took off the wings.  It is AWESOME!  I highly recommend it.

So you made your Gold look like the Japanese version.


VAUmp have you taken any shots in the gaps where the wings were? I have the WV Gold retrofit as well and i hate when the wings move in front of the shoulder plate. I also seen another umpire say he sewed the wings to the bottom pad and they stay in one spot now...



Of course I did!!  It was about the third inning of the first game after I removed them (Murphy's Law, right??).  Now, I'm a huge dude (6-4, 305) with a big A-Cup in man boobs, so I hang out a little farther than most.  It stung, but it wasn't anything that would sideline me.  I would imagine most people won't have a problem with the wings removed


If I had a wvg and wanted to get it retrofitted I would request my retrofit be made out of the platinum padding with the wings plastic sewn to the wvp shaped pad. Just my thought. P.S. I have the wvp retrofitted and I really like it. 


i was the one that sewed my WVG TW wings to the bottom pad. Problem solved and was able to keep the original intended manufacturer protection. Try it, you might like it.

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