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I have made a decision

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I'm taking a sabbatical from officiating. My life has taken some major turns and I'm gonna hang em up for awhile, while I still love what I do. If and when I dish up to take the stick again, it'll be on my terms. It's been a great run. And I enjoyed you guys immensely. Just time for me to close this chapter of my life and begin a new one. I will do more international travelling, more drinking beer on SaturDAY and have whatever schedule I assign to myself. Good luck in your endeavours. If you're chasing a dream, I hope you catch it. If you're just doing what you love, do it as long as it makes you happy.

Adios my friends. It's been educational.

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Good Luck, Jocko. I know how difficult that decision must have been for you. Hopefully, depending on your situation, you can stay close to the game by being a trainer or evaluator. The 'brotherhood' still needs you.

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everyone deserves a sabbatical..............best wishes on yours..........I hope that you will return here and to the avocation, even if not to umpire, but to pass on your skills and experiences...........best of luck, hurry back.....

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