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  1. Now, before I come across as a jerk or WAY too optimistic person, I had hopes that someone out there in this huge community of ours had a cool CP such as the Power or a Douglas that wasn't in the best condition and they are willing to part with for a LOW or what they think is reasonable. As you all know, my league has this "Rule of 18" where an umpire cannot behind the plate unless he or she is 18. Well, I will be 18 just a few weeks after the Spring season starts, SO... HOME PLATE HERE I COME!!! I wanted to wear something that would celebrate such occasion/achievement, I, still can't believe it, was gifted my dream mask by one of my favorite players and I was looking to see if one of you out there could help me complete the "set" with the CP. Thanks again and I apologize if I come across as snobbish, SD
  2. It seems my modifications to the Schutt XV chest protector have popularized a trend, and inspired several others to join in. I now have 4 CP's here that I'll be making a variety of modifications to so as to extend and improve their usefulness. Schutt XV – This will be using a ULFH from @Razzer (which I've taken to nicknaming RayFlex or, in this case StingRay) in the 3-strap variant. Instead of utilizing the existing yoke – as we did with @D62 blue http://umpire-empire.com/index.php?/topic/65283-ump-life-delta-flex-style-harness/&do=findComment&comment=303927 – I got my hands on a few of these yoke-point parts, and we'll be using one of them instead. Douglas WestVest – This will be using either a DeltaFlex or a Force3 NRH. The wearer has a slim body frame, so I might go with a DeltaFlex, but the NRH might be the better route with its longer straps and less cost. This has also been cleaned (needed it), received new hardware (black T-hooks, nylon buckles and tri-glides instead of corroded metal), and some rivets are being replaced with aluminum Chicago screws. Honig's K-1 CP – A new harness will be a massive improvement, and will be getting one of the three Flex-style harnesses, depending on cost, of course. It will also see its shoulder plates bent and shaped to arch much truer and more conforming. The primary task will be determine a means of fastening the straps to the harness; the current method uses not much more than velcro and is annoying and ineffective. Schutt AiR Flex I – Instead of using the TPU-EVA foam bricks the XV relies on, the AiR Flex uses Brock Beads (which I'll explain during my rebuild of the unit). This aside, the two are are nearly the same, using virtually the same parts. I would truthfully take an XV into any level of baseball, but the thinner AiR Flex might give me pause at the adult-level stuff. That's not to say that it's still not a viable CP, as I've witnessed umpires do adult-level ball with softshells and Davishields. On the AiR Flex, we'll be cutting away the yoke and employing a 4-strap Flex harness once again. I'll also be repositioning the ailettes from "on top" the shoulder – where they bely their football pad origins – down to somewhere more forward. If I had my druthers, I would actually try to put together a closet/garage service on refitting CP pads ala what Team Wendy's offered. I'll update this thread as work progresses!
  3. Just received the harness to replace the original on my Platinum CP. Mere words aren't enough. This. Harness. Is. Beyond. AWESOME. An added feature is that it has been personalized, which is icing on the cake ! Woo hoo ! Thanks @Razzer for the fantastic work, and thanks also to @MadMax for the referral !
  4. With this last order of nine harnesses arriving on my doorstep this morning, fresh from @Razzer in Maple Syrup-land, this makes 20 harnesses I've commissioned from him in the past year. Sure, there've been one or two Schutts that these have gone on, and the occasional Force3 UnEqual, or Douglas, or Champro / Champion, even. Out of the 20, can you guess where 14 have gone? Yup, freakin' Wilson CPs. 11 Platinums and 3 Golds. Oh sure, you can easily (and lazily) point out, "But Max, that just indicates that Wilson CPs are more popular and numerous!", but it also indicates just how plain awful and ineffective the Wilson units are with their stock harnesses. Each umpire supplied with a Flex -style harness (preferably Ray's) experiences a dramatic improvement in fit and protection. Many suddenly become very aware of how brief the coverage is on the Platinum, especially, as it doesn't provide much in the way of abdomen protection, nor does it natively allow an extension to be added... ... but that's another discussion, for another time.
  5. I have seen a bunch of posts inquiring about the +POS Cobra CP. The only information I found online was not good at all. So I went ahead bought one and wanted to share my review with everyone that might interested in purchasing one. Please keep in mind this is my first video review of anything ever. Hope it answers some questions about it. Tha
  6. To All, I just had an amazing experience with Force3 Customer Service. I needed to get a replacement piece for one of the shoulder pads on a CP I am testing out (Potentially purchasing). They are sending me a replacement "SET" of shoulder pads and not just the one strap I needed. Also requested the metal piece that the harness straps thread through since the one on this is rusted (Prevention on strap fray). They are sending a new harness. Best of all of this, no charge to me. I couldn't believe my ears when Jason from Force3 said "No Charge". I haven't been a prior patron of Force3 gear, but if they take care of their customers like this in all aspects I sure am now!! This is the link to the current CP. I have the prior model. http://www.force3progear.com/product/unequal-ultimate-chest-protector/ Brent Rowe CAUA Umpire Arkansas
  7. Hello all - A fellow teacher is wanting to umpire for the first time this year. Since everyone in this community is amazing, I thought I'd reach out and see if anyone has some extra equipment lying around to help get him started. I've got him hooked up with base shoes, shin guards, and ball bags that I wasn't using anymore. Here's a list of other things we're looking for (preferably at a cheap price and in good condition): Mask (just a basic Dyna-Lite if available) Chest protector (XL or 13 inch) Plate shoes (Size 13 2E would be ideal, but 13 D will work, too) Thanks! Cody
  8. Want to price a used Douglas plate cp
  9. ... and you better be on Ump-Attire.com buying a new CP!!! Really. $40. Forty Dollars and a few days of waiting on shipping it to you is all it takes to stop looking like a yutz, a schmuck or a doofus, and putting yourself at increased risk of injury. I was a catcher, and I used my ol' catcher's CP for my first year of umpiring... Forget it. Might as well wear a sheet of cardboard. Are you using a cheap softee-shell that you got from the local sporting goods store? Makes you look like a meatball? Pfffft... Donate it to the nearest tae-kwon-do or martial arts studio for use as a sparring vest, for all the good it'll do you in baseball. Own a DavisShield?... ... ... You may be beyond hope. That Champion Hardshell CP sitting there, offered by U-A, is the ideal entry-level CP. Hard plastic carapace, contoured body panels, segmented padded liner/vest, decent hardware, substantial shoulders, but no-where near as hulking as a WestVest nor as pricey as the better CP's. You don't need a sports car for the daily commute, right? You just need a simple, reliable hatchback or coupe for the daily drive to save up for and get the sports car someday! This is that commuter car. Heck, it even has a better harness than most of the other, more expensive CP's come stock equipped with! But don't stop there, I advise you... Get it, and with a few extra bucks, purchase a Flex-style harness for it. The Force3 Flex isn't bad; the All-Star DeltaFlex is good, but it only fits slim-to-average builds on a non-All-Star CP like this; but if you want to think serious, contact @Razzer and commission one of his ULFH "RayFlex" units. You can take it with you into that sports-car CP you'll one day get, and if you get it personalized (you should! Ray includes it in the cost), you're allowed to feel a little vain and self-serving at Christmas. And I better not catch you wearing Catchers' Shinguards either, mister! Those Champion shinguards offered on sale alongside the CP? Those will work swell. You'll actually be able to move in them without toeflaps and sideflaps flopping all out the bottom of your pants... Oh, and you'll actually be able to fit some good pants over them, because these are nowhere near as bulky as catchers' shinguards. Now, where is @gnhbua93 hiding so as to talk up the fact that U-A is offering the Force3 Defender V2 on sale, too?!!! PS- Go ahead and get the '15 All-Black Umpire shirt, especially at that price, if all you've got is that lone Navy shirt that some ol' codger in your association said "This 'ere navy one is all ya need!". Those of us with all the different styles of black umpire shirts (there are 4) won't mind. We'll work a game with you, no sweat!
  10. I recently replied to a message from a fellow umpire here on U-E regarding chest protector opinions. As I re-read it, what a I divulge is applicable to a great number of chest protector questions we the membership here get. His question was in regard to a Douglas, specifically, but I can express technical opinions about any of the CP's on the market. So, let me share this here with you... I present to you this rhetorical question: why are we as an umpire community clinging to antiquated technology and practices when modern, cutting-edge opportunities are not even being fully considered or realized yet? Or, better yet, why are we accepting this sloth and sluggishness from the gear producers themselves??! I hold Team Wendy in lofty regard because they actually established and progressed their own technology – Zorbium – for one ambitious goal: to mitigate, reduce and hopefully eliminate TBI's. The reason they pulled the plug on CP retrofits wasn't because TW is a money-grubbing company that saw no profit in it, or that Zorbium itself is a poor product. It simply is, that when the US military drops a massive product request on you, with an ironclad contract, you put everything else aside and go all-hands-on-deck. We really need to start examining the direction that our protection needs and solutions will go instead of settling for the "traditional" and "status quo".
  11. Just got this email from +POS ............. http://www.pluspos.com/cobra
  12. After some swapping and some purchasing, it looks like I am going to have some gear to sell. I swapped my Douglas CP for the Wilson Gold, but it appears that the Wilson CPs are just not long enough or my torso. I was planning to retrofit with TW, but since I just bought tcasterlin's Unequal CP, I think I will just sell the Gold. It's either a M/L, or L/XL - I don't know for sure because the tag was cut off. When measuring the padding from the inside, it's about 12.5 inches from the neck area to the bottom. It's barely been worn by the original owner, so it's in great shape. I have not used it in a game at all. Also, I bought the Force 3 shins from tcasterlin because he preferred to sell them with the CP. I already have a pair of Force 3 shins, so I will probably be willing to part with them if I feel there is no need to have 2 pairs. They are the 16.5 inch ones. I'll only sell them if I get a solid offer. I'll post some pics of the items soon, but wanted to put this out there for the folks that may be interested. Just reply to the thread or send me a PM with offers.
  13. Looking for a Old Beat up West West Gold for a cheap price. Don't need the Harness and don't even need the Padding. Just send the Plastics. PM ME!
  14. FOR SALE: All-Star System 7 Chest Protector (size L - 15"). I've owned this CP for almost two years and have used it for 30-40 games. Overall in great shape. The top of the logo has faded a bit, but everything else is great. Asking $110 (shipping included).
  15. All .....   I'm thinning the herd, and this one is off to a new home!   15" Douglas-Douglas: t-hooks, and the shoulder protection.   I'm selling this without the harness because I borrowed the Detla-Flex that was on it for my Vintage West Vest TW retro-rig.     Refurbed in 2012; very good condition.     I'm looking for offers, please consider at least $15 for shipping depending on your zip.   paypal only   PM me, please
  16. I have a freshly re-conditioned 15" WV Douglas for Sale New Velcro, new strap and T-hooks, cleaned the padding, re-stitched the whole outside of padding, new rivets. Also added the extra shoulder pads for maximum protection! The 15" is a bit too big for me. Want to save some money to buy either a Wilson Ti or a Nike Ti. Make offer!
  17. I'm looking for a 12 inch Douglas in good condition. I would like to score it for around 150 maybe a little more shipped, not entirely sure if that's a long shot or not. if I cant find one by Tuesday next week I am going to purchase a WVP so any help would be appreciated but if not I don't think I will be disappointed. you can PM me here, or you can email me at andrewbrown0330@yahoo.com. I could even make a 13 work if that can broaden the spectrum a bit.
  18. Hi, I am currently in the market for a 12 or 13 inch douglas cp. Preferably with the t-hooks. Shoot me a PM if anyone has one they are willing to sell or trade. Thanks in advance!
  19. Custom made Douglas 13" Chest Protector but with the extra shoulder pads for added protection. Also has the All-Stars Harness which make the protector fit like gloves. No slippage for added comfort. This is truly a Top of the Line Umpire Chest Protector. This umpire chest protector is suitable for Major League Umpires down to youth baseball. Douglas is a major brand that manufactures Baseball and Football protective gear. Feel free to send me any questions you may have! Make me Offers!
  20. Would anyone really buy this? Why do sellers even bother!!!! Wilson Gold
  21. Up for sale is a WV Gold chest protector. It allegedly belonged to Jeff Kellogg. It is used but the padding and hardshell are in good shape. I've cleaned it and wiped it down. Make me offer. PayPal only. $10 shipping.
  22. A friend has an All-Stars System 7 CP about a year old. He would like to trade for a Wilson Gold or sell it. Anyone interested let me know.
  23. this is a clip from the Tigers-Angels game last night ..........   What the heck is AH wearing?  Could that be an Unequal?  That's the lowest profile CP I think I've seen on TV .....   http://wapc.mlb.com/play/?content_id=28371343&topic_id=9782246  
  24. I called my first game in the new gear: Diamond Light Mask, w/ Team Wendy's Wilson West Vest Platinum Took two wicked foul balls and one dirt bounding wild pitch. DID NOT FEEL A THING. I can honestly say....WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG....
  25. Cleaning out the Umpire closet today and decided it was time to unload some stuff that I don't use anymore. Nothing is wrong with any of it. Some of it was never even used in a game. Prices are negotiable. PM me if you are interested. I keep all of my stuff really clean and maintained. Reebok Base Shoes size 11- Worn for one season. Nothing wrong very clean. MLB logo on heel. I own way too many base shoes ($15) SOLD Reebok Plate Magistrates size 11- Old-style mid cut. Size 11. Worn for about three seasons. $45. SOLD Schutt Air Flex 1- Worn twice. Worked well. Have 3 other CPs that I rotate so I don't need it anymore. ($65) SOLD New Balance 450s size 11.5- Worn for one season (20-25 plate games). Been in the closet since. Great shoes. I just like the Reeboks better. Very clean ($50)SOLD +Pos Zero G Mask- Brand new never worn in a game. ($40-Compare to $49.95 from +Pos) SOLD All prices are plus shipping. I will not jack up shipping costs. What I pay is what you pay. Paypal only....not really interested in a trade, but I might be willing to listen.
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