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  1. F2 tries to back pick R3. B1 steps back in the box / "opens up" to get a better look at the play at third and affects the runner. OP said "intentionally steps in the way" -- my play has no intent and B1 is still in the box, but is still INT
  2. Intent has nothing to do with it. Once the batter has a chance to get out of the way, he can be called for INT even if he does not move.
  3. We need to know the timing of F2 getting the ball and the runner deviating from his path.
  4. Was it bad judgment, or a mis-application of the rule?
  5. That's what I have, and that makes it a start-stop balk. If F1 starts to rise without moving the front foot and then steps off the back in a smooth motion, I probably have nothing (at the levels we do)
  6. How does someone begin to pick up the front leg and simultaneously step off with the back foot/leg? Somewhere along the line, F1 (probably) balked.
  7. If you are in C, then there are other runners -- so PU has as much to look at as you do.
  8. Not necessarily BU would be more likely, but either could get it.
  9. BU can (should) call "time" in this situation and then sort it out.
  10. Does it matter to the Game? No. Does it matter to perception? Yes. (maybe it shouldn't, but it does). Will changing it alone get you to the next level? No. Will saying "dead ball" keep you from advancing? Eventually, yes. If are a big-dog who has a good reputation and can get away with it at your level and who doesn't want to advance, then feel free to ignore the advice.
  11. I think you have that backwards. If the ball is close to the line, point foul (or fair) as soon as it's touched. Then signal the out when the catch is completed (if needed -- it's often obvious so no signal is needed) . Oh yeah -- put me in the no "dead ball" camp, but with no specific reference. Higher-level umpires do not say it; lower-level umpires often do.
  12. i NEVER heard this question in my nearly 50 years of umpiring. It didn't even come up (at least not with any frequency) for the first 20 or so years of the interwebs. Now though, it gets asked more than a dozen times each season here. How did this start and why does it persist? (Rhetorical -- I don't really want an answer)
  13. That's what I'd do. OR -- since it's just a large lead, let him be put out, even if he's standing on second.. That makes it more of a risk / reward type of play.
  14. If the obstruction is the proximate cause of the missed base, consider it touched. If the runner was obstructed away from the base, then he still needs to touch it.
  15. 3.08 Helmets A Professional League shall adopt the following rule pertaining to the use of helmets: (a) All players shall use some type of protective helmet while at bat and while running the bases. (b) All players in the Minor Leagues shall wear a double ear-flap helmet while at bat. (c) All Major League players must wear a single ear-flap helmet (or at the player’s option, a double ear-flap helmet). (d) All catchers shall wear a catcher’s protective helmet and face mask while receiving a pitch. (e) All base coaches shall wear a protective helmet while performing their duties
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