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    Middle School
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  1. Hello all, I recently got new plate pants and I am getting them hemmed. I was curious what the proper length is and how they should look with my plate shoes. I wear the new balance V3's. Thanks!
  2. RC2004

    First One

    I had my first ejection tonight. First 3 innings went smooth no issues. In the bottom of the 4th VT was struggling at this point the game was 11-3 and out of hand. 3-2 pitch was high and walked another kid. The catcher went out for a mound visit and as I am on my way back the VHC starts yelling to his pitcher 'You're fine, you had him struck out" then he looks at me and says "that's on you". I said "I don't want to hear it" he then yells "That ball was right down the middle" I yelled back "no more we are not discussing balls and strikes" he yells "you missed it". I then yell back with my hand up, "knock it off" he then says "throw me out". I threw him out and he looked into the stands and said "that's how you do it". Is there anything I should have done differently or said differently? Thanks.
  3. How much would you take for the mask ?
  4. I was wondering if anyone can tell me where I can find the MLB Umpire Uniform Policies chart. It also has the approved uniform combinations on it. If anyone has a picture could you post in in the thread? Thanks
  5. I recently just bought the 2019 MLB Umpires manual from the ABUA (Amateur Baseball Umpires Association Website) last Saturday. Still have not received a tracking number for it. Should I be concerned? I was wondering if the CAA umpire mechanics are the same as the MLB umpire mechanics? Also, if anyone has the MLB 4 man umpire mechanics if they could pm the to me? Thanks!
  6. RC2004

    New Hires

    Hello all, Does anyone have info on the retirements and new hires for the upcoming season. I cannot find anything anywhere.
  7. Looking for a nike titanium preferably $200 or less. Just the frame will do. Let me know where I could find one or if anyone has one to sell. Thanks!
  8. Working a travel ball game. Game is going quick and no issues what so ever. We get to the bottom of the 6th 1 out runner on 3rd. Grounder to second base and the runner broke as soon as the ball was hit. Second baseman fired the ball home and the catcher tagged the runner out. It was a close play but his foot never crossed the plate. His mom yells "are you sh@#%^&g me! I couldn't figure out who yelled until midway through the next batter when she was talking about it with the other moms. What should I do in this situation if I can't figure out who yelled the comment and they need to be ejected?
  9. Does anybody have a Wilson titanium mask with the rounded ear gaurds for $100 or less? If so post some pics so I can see. Thanks!
  10. Last Thursday I ordered a $3.00 CFC Bracelet form Hudson 51. Never received a tracking number and they never responded to my email. Anyone else had any problems? If anyone knows another place where I could get a CFC bracelet for free or a few dollars?
  11. Hunter tried to ignore Clint but I think in the end Clint was trying to fire up his struggling team.
  12. Thank you for the links! My bad I am new to the forum. I think I narrowed it down to the All star system 7 or the west vest.
  13. Looking for a new chest protector because my old one is a soft shell. Any recommendations on what I should and should not get and where can I get a good deal on one? Any advice helps thanks!
  14. I agree with you I was a little too confrontational. I tried too by telling him that as I was taking warm up pitches the next inning with my mask on. I was too confrontational.
  15. Thank you for the kind words. I need to remember that because I often switch between LL, Middle a School, and COYBL. Thanks!
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