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  • Your Association Name
    Tri State Elite Umpire Association and Haddonfield Umpire Association
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  • Types/Levels of Baseball called
    From 8u to High School to Men's leagues to 17uPefergect game and everything in between.
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  1. Moving to Erie, PA in a couple weeks, and looking to connect with an umpire association. Anybody able to help?
  2. I go into my scissors plate stance in these situations, and find that little window I can position my head at.
  3. $50/Best offer Never been worn, comes with extension to cover stomach area, and also has 2 upper arm protectors that come with it. Looking for a quick sale and no waste of time please.
  4. Not me man, you tagged wrong person.
  5. A warning like that is supposed to go both ways, but I'm definitely not giving a warning because I was told to. That would've turned into me telling that coach, don't tell me what to do, and if you give me another problem, you can start walking out of here. Sounds like the coaches pushed you around.
  6. 18u Showcase($55) at Lasalle University(Philadelphia)this Saturday. Need a partner for 5 games, or 2 umpires to split the 5 games, starting 8:30am.
  7. Ehhh, I see it as the it's the defense's responsibility to know the situation regardless of the call. I have 2 outs, runners on 1st and 2nd.
  8. I'm thinking this would fall under 7.02.
  9. Yes, BU can have say in this, but it sounds like they screwed it all up. Can't change the call before meeting with the BU, and after that, done. That's the final verdict. One side is going to be pissed off, so what.
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