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About JSam21

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    St. Louis, MO

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    Warehouse Admin
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  1. Come inside towards the cutout, put your right foot in the ground and open up towards first base. In my opinion, there is no actual benefit to pivoting as it was developed at pro school to help determine each student's athleticism. I use the "AAA" pivot, which is just coming inside and glancing over your right shoulder for the touch of first.
  2. The runner's time of pitch base is still 3rd on this play. By rule, no runs may score when the 3rd out is made by the batter runner before reaching first base. The play starts at the time of pitch not when the ball is batted. Time of pitch is when the pitcher makes a movement that would commit them to delivering a pitch.
  3. JSam21

    Balk rule

    Nothing sounds illegal here as long as the leg is in constant motion.
  4. You have ample opportunity to work college baseball. High level D1... maybe not with the umpires coming out of pro ball. I have ZERO professional experience and work D2 baseball. D3, NAIA, JUCO... if you can work, there are opportunities to work. And @tpatience can attest that I am mediocre at best.
  5. That is just for a system with the small controllers. There are much cheaper solutions out there.... But it isn't like they didn't have 5 years to prepare for this.
  6. They are already available... just not the cheapest opiton.
  7. There is no software on them. The are set by dipswitches. If the dipswitch configuration can't get the proper timing, the board needs to be replaced.
  8. 1/6th of one game check isn't a big deal. Now... how about holding everyone playing under a rule set to the same standard instead of pushing the cost onto the umpires... that would be an actual discussion. D3 football and basketball have play/shot clocks...
  9. I will be using a stop watch for the 150. The 30 seconds for defensive or offensive conference is by conference adoption.
  10. Just passing along for the D3, NAIA, and JUCO umpires out there that are using the RefSmart Timer. You can send it in to be re-programed again. https://refsmart.com/products/ncaa-baseball-softball-timer-reprogram-for-2025?utm_campaign=website&utm_medium=email&utm_source=sendgrid.com
  11. It is the official interpretation of the rule.
  12. Here is the issue... There was no throw to interfere with until after R1 had already chosen their path. You can't "intentionally" move into the path of the throw when there hasn't been a throw made when you being to move. Did he move there to make the upcoming throw harder? Absolutely. Is that illegal? Absolutely not.
  13. We don't "set-up" in the wedge. The wedge isn't a position or a spot, it is the space between the glove and the runner. You set up point of plate and then move into position to see the wedge. Where you move depends on the type of play you are going to have. Behind the catcher's left hip for swipe tags and almost a 90 degree look off the hip for collision/block tags. By "reverse rotate" I'm assuming you mean moving to your left instead of to your right?
  14. Take them to a tailor and have them put a permanent crease in them. I do this on all of my pants. Also, get pant hangers and hang them from the bottom cuff to help them keep the wrinkles out until it is time to pack or put them in the car.
  15. JSam21

    runner assist

    NCAA mirrors a lot of OBR's interpretations. I would lean towards it being the same as OBR.
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