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tpatience last won the day on December 20 2023

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About tpatience

  • Birthday 07/18/1999

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  1. Douglas shins are bullet proof. I’ve used them all 4 years of my pro career and haven’t felt a thing. Highly recommended and worth the extra money
  2. It’s a scam site. @Razzeris umplife
  3. 105 sounds about right. It was 98 this year, with mileage over 25 miles
  4. I have a used but in great condition mizuno umpire mask. The rubber has been stripped off and the frame powder coated making it significantly lighter. Selling for a friend. $225 obo. Pm for pics
  5. I get what you’re saying, 100%. But it’s just the truth. We’re only sitting at 150 umpires ish and our association has the most schools in the section. It’s just tough to get two umpires on a freshman/JV game even if we had the numbers. There’s been a handful of varsity games scheduled in the last few years that have been assigned one umpire just because we didn’t have the numbers to assign two
  6. I was/am apart of the same HS umpire association as @Mudisfun. Unfortunately, all freshman/JV games(besides one special league that assigns JV as two man, same league that assigns varsity as 3) are assigned as one man. So if you’re an up and comer as Kevin is in our association, he has to work these one man games or else he’d get way less games. Is it ideal? No. But that’s just the way it is
  7. Everything fits fine. No offense to catsbackr, but there are much better ways to pack that bag
  8. I’m posting on behalf of my buddy who can’t post. He has a mizuno mask, used one game, with brand new Wilson memory foam pads and a samurai gears shovel TG. $200 OBO. Pic is too big for the site so PM me for pics
  9. Force 3 has a pad that covers the springs better on the top
  10. You just paid for a new set of golf clubs for him
  11. I already have the same exact CP or else I’d have bought this one lol
  12. may the bidding begin https://www.ebay.com/itm/126255134786?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=xsKkeccdSKu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=OUyb_g_VTMW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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