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Status Updates posted by BT_Blue

  1. So far I have been hot on the dish. three games averaging right around 2 hrs for nine innings. Game 1 was 13 innings in 3 hrs, #2 was nine complete in 2:10, and game #3 last night was nine full in 1:53.

    1. Platejob29


      Game 3 earned you a steak dinner in pro ball.

    2. BT_Blue


      Damn... now I wish I was in pro ball. Havent had a steak dinner in a while.

  2. I'll be damned. I might actually get my game in today...

    1. BT_Blue


      Got it in somehow. 9 innings in just about 2:10. Best part... it started pouring rain the minute we sat down in the lockerroom?

  3. Hannukah Harry left me a gift in the mail. My tan TW pads. Next Hannukah Stan is bringing me something. What a wonderful month!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BT_Blue


      I dont remember the Hannukah Harry skit. Will have to check it out. I just remember is as an inside joke amongst the kids as my synagogue.

    3. BT_Blue


      Santa comes later in the month. Rifht now it is Hannukah Harry and Stan.

    4. umpstu


      Too funny. John Lovitz plays Hannukah Harry.

  4. ordered tan TW pads. hopefully followed by a new mask. now just to figure out which one.

  5. Mike, when you have time I'll take a copy of the NFHS part 1 test for this year. doubledownonblue@gmail.com

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