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Everything posted by maven

  1. Wait for the end of playing action, call time, and tell your partner what you saw (away from everyone). Live with what he chooses to do. BI is not the BU's call.
  2. noumpere, are you suggesting that F3 cannot receive protection when fielding a fly ball?
  3. Fair/foul would not determine who is out (R1 is doing the interfering), but it could change how I rule INT. If fair, then I will need to judge whether F3 is the protected fielder. If so, INT, otherwise, nothing (play on). If foul, then I will need to judge whether F3 has a play on the ball. If so, INT, otherwise, nothing (foul ball).
  4. No, he was not out anyway. The ball is dead on the FPSR violation: there was NO PLAY at 1B, so nothing to call. Once you call INT/FPSR, it's just a dead ball flying around the infield. I take it that this was JM's point.
  5. Would it be a sidebar to recommend laser eye surgery? I had it 6 years ago and wish I had done it sooner.
  6. We had a play a little like this in my game last night. R1, bunt. F1 fields, throws to F4, late, but R1 goes in standing and comes off the bag slightly on the other side. My partner signals safe on the force and then bangs the out. Coach was all over ... his runner, for not sliding!
  7. maven

    OBR 7.07

    Nice try but that's only a balk on an IBB. Whoops. Thought the question concerned that kind of "catcher's balk." As you were...
  8. Good call. And the fielder clearly did not "lift" the runner's foot off the base, either. See the whole play.
  9. maven

    Strike Zone

    This ^ I preach more strikes to all umpires I work with, of every level: Saturday I told a second year guy and a 46-year guy (whose nickname is "Keyhole"). I try not to be a jerk about it, but there's a pretty tight correlation between small zones and long, high-scoring games. Baseball is a defensive game: make the batter put the ball in play, keep players' heads in the game. When you call strikes, pitchers are more confident, relax, and pitch better. The only limit is the ridiculous. My slogan: No borderline balls!
  10. Balkhawk, you deny the existence of a caught foul ball. But clearly, a fielder can stand in foul territory and catch a fly ball. So, you must deny either that this is a catch or that it is a foul ball. By the rules you quote, however, the play meets the definitions of CATCH and FOUL BALL. Your distinction in this context between a ball that touches a player and a player touching a ball has no basis in the rules, any published interpretation at any level, or the traditions of the game. No printed resource will support you, no rules interpreter will support you. You're betting against the world here.
  11. Huh? Pop-up to F5 in the coaching box that he catches? Seems like a caught foul ball to me... A FOUL BALL is a batted ball that settles on foul territory between home and first base, or between home and third base, or that bounds past first or third base on or over foul territory, or that first falls on foul territory beyond first or third base, or that, while on or over foul terri- tory, touches the person of an umpire or player, or any object foreign to the natural ground.
  12. OBR has a clause specific to this play, which Rich quoted above. In a FED game, I would rule that the pitch was legally caught prior to being dislodged by a retired batter(-runner). In this case, that's nothing — and what could it be?
  13. maven

    OBR 7.07

    The pitcher, not the catcher, has violated the rule, namely pitching while the catcher is not in his box. If the pitcher waits until he moves into the box, then there will be no infraction.
  14. Proper.
  15. Why wouldn't you have said that the first time, instead of the patently false claim that the bat is not equipment?
  16. Nice try. OBR 1.17: "Playing equipment including but not limited to the bases, pitcher’s plate, baseball, bats, uniforms, catcher’s mitts, first baseman’s gloves, infielders and outfielders gloves and protective helmets..." FED 1-3-5.
  17. I'm not dying on this hill--it's just a thought... However, when you look at the wording of 2-21-3, why not? Well, you (Matt) are correct that the scope of 2-21-3 is quite broad, but I (along with JM, it seems) would not regard ruling SPEC/INT in this case a logical extension of the verbal INT/OBS rule for players. At least not in the sense of being required. In any case, even if it might be permitted, superior enforcement options here would be (as already stated above): Ignore if it has no impact Call time to prevent any impact if needed ("He didn't balk, coach, I had already killed it!")
  18. Ah, I see what you're asking now. Yes, if the removal of F1 from the game is required by rule (8.06b), then he may not move to another position. The same principle applies in FED.
  19. Me too. ^
  20. JM Ah, so the bat is part of the hands!?!
  21. Every ball in play has one of three statuses: it's a pitched ball, a batted ball, or a thrown ball. Clearly, this ball was not batted (so no "catch and carry"). Since it was not a pitch, it is not a pitched ball. That means it's a thrown ball. Next question: who threw it? Once the fielder possess it, it's not the pitcher. Hence, it's the fielder. Treat it as if the fielder threw the ball out of play, similar to a fielder kicking such a ball OOP. Two bases from TOT.
  22. The swap is legal. Consider: Jones is pitching. In the 3rd, the manager comes out and swaps Smith for Jones (Smith now pitching). In the same inning, the manager comes out again, the pitcher (Smith) is removed, and is done pitching for the day. Jones, or someone else, may pitch. For FED, it is false in general that a pitcher, having moved to another position, may not return to pitch. That's is so only when his removal is forced (coach's 4th+ visit, etc.).
  23. maven

    Batter Runner Int?

    Though you might be correct about what the actual call was, this can't be BI, since you have a BR not a batter. Edited: fixed by Dix! Kemp interfered twice: once by failing to move, and again when a fair batted ball hit him.
  24. Runners can make that call really easy by sliding 2 feet wide of the base.
  25. Two questions: 1. Was there a tag? 2. U3's positioning at the start of the play?
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