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Rich Ives

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Rich Ives last won the day on October 8 2022

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Community Answers

  1. Just tell the coach to go sit down. His choice of dugout or parking lot.
  2. Thirding this,
  3. Rich Ives


    Safe. Not a new idea.
  4. Rich Ives

    Fair or foul

    That's not what you said. You just said it if hits fair before the base it's fair.
  5. Rich Ives

    Fair or foul

    That means nothing until you know if it went over thee base or not.
  6. There is no "minimum distance" (other than zero). The most recent MLBUM I have just says the foot cannot come down in the same place as where is was.
  7. Rich Ives


    The OBR interp at lease at one point was that the thrown ball is close enough the the fielder must be there to field it. But the fielder cannot t set up there to invite the throw to that position. In the OP if the throw a was on line there was no need for the fielder to go get it so it's likely obstruction.
  8. Rich Ives


    Only in FED. ----- Rich, How about this: If, in your judgment, you thought the interference was intentional and prevented a double play, you may call out both the runner and the batter. You added "intentional" to the play, thus changing the play. OBR says "If, in the judgment of the umpire, a base runner willfully and deliberately interferes with a batted ball or a fielder in the act of fielding a batted ball with the obvious intent to break up a double play" Better be really sure . . .
  9. Rich Ives


    Only in FED.
  10. You can't balk wit no runners. Deceit is legal - it just has to be done within the rules.
  11. Rich Ives


    Show me where Soros stole money from private accounts. And your issue was that the money went to Democrats
  12. Rich Ives


    As opposed the the Koch brothers and Aldelson giving money to the Republicans?
  13. t's NEVER an out in baseball. It's ALWAYS an out in softball. Let's leave it that way.
  14. I see too many posts that make me wonder if the poster ever played the game or watched enough to get a real feel for it.
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