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About Ironhead17

  • Birthday 09/08/1962

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    Rec. HS, Travel

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  1. I noticed it in the Coastal game last night. Cool to see that perspective. I'd like to see them use it after each pitch, even the ones where contact is made.
  2. I really like the idea. In practice it would likely be easier than football. I'd love to hear the game from this perspective. It'd be a great training aid.
  3. "you deal with the head coach only" - darn good advice. Learn it. Live it.
  4. FORCE PLAY SLIDE RULE - got to make a legal slide or get out of the way. Pic shows he made contact beyond the bag, he'd be out for interference.
  5. Here, I think we're the only state - SC, we've got to make the call ourselves without appeal. Same thing happened but not a peep from anyone so I let it ride. It had no bearing on a game in which the home team was getting pounded. Hopefully we get back to making the defense appeal but until then it's on us.
  6. This is one case where the Fed balk rule makes your life easier. OBR balk rule is tough on new guys who do Fed and then transition to leagues w/ OBR.
  7. HAMMER HITS NAIL! I would add TDs don't give a rat's arse about the umpires and you've got umpires who do this kind of thing for a living so it gets complicated real quick.
  8. Runner hit by a batted ball well past F3 and not behind F4, is an out in my book.
  9. If he's running and hasn't asked for time I have no problem w/ instructing him to return and ask for time especially in daddy ball. Eventually he got what he deserved. Trying to save your butt by calling time during a slide "ain't gonna happen"
  10. TOT gets my vote. Score them both. Very unfortunate for the defense since the "force" was not of their doing.
  11. I had plate,10U fall softball, both the pitcher and catcher were the best on the field and wore the local travel ball logos. Coach's daughter was the pitcher and I've seen her develop into a hard throwing little righty. Well it was good pitching w/ very little catching. After getting drilled for the third or fourth time I remind the catcher that "I'm not wearing a glove" and she has to help me out. A few minutes later I'm dealing with a balling catcher and an angry coach. Some days are better than others. McDavid makes a hex pad catcher's undergarment that I wear doing lower level ball. The worst bruises come from mostly 10-15 yr. olds.
  12. Did the batter step out of the box or does it matter? I've had them turn in the box and get hit in the back of the head. When the batter is moving to react to F2 sliding to the rear to make an attempt on R3 is he "protected from BI" if he stays in the box and the BI is not intentional?
  13. Well most guys realize they are out and will stop to avoid running the risk of passing the previous runner so it's not a common problem. These guys realize that by continuing to round the bases, they can likely cause confusion and thereby benefit from a (JV level) misdirection of the defensive efforts.
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